Deadlifts tax your bench strength????


New member
Hello one and all!

I had a truly bizarre experience in the gym today.
I've lifted for a few years now and am no rookie when it comes to most things related to weight lifting.

However I suffered from you usual fear of squats and deadlifts, and relied on other means of strength building.

Well about 1 year ago I finally incorporated squats to my regime and they've done WONDERS for me in many ways.

So finally this year, I decided to take on deadlifts for the first time.
I'm pretty sure my form is not so great, though I've watched TONS of form videos to try an help me out.
I'm not injured as of yet, and have only done these deadlifts twice now (once a week).

This time around, I did my deadlifts yesterday for part of "leg day".
In that same day, I was quite unable to do any squats as it would seem that my lower back was spent from the deadlifts, and so instead I finished the legs off with a leg press.

So today, I did my chest and triceps...but god help me my bench press was the weakest I've ever had!
I was only able to lift my usual weight for 4 reps instead of the usual 8.

Is there something very taxing on your front delts with a deadlift?
Has anyone else had this same experience?
A good deadlift day taxes your everything. I typically plan a deadlift day every two weeks on a Friday and I know the week after that is going to start with rehab. Of course I'm old so it may not be so hard on you, but I don't expect to be at peak performance at anything after deadlifting.

Taxes your CNS or just wears you out -whatever the kids are saying these days.
As R9 said, dead lifts are taxing on everything. But how is your diet????? When you dead lift your body burns through calories, and you gotta replace them bro. I think a lot of people start power lifting while trying to maintain the same caloric intake they had before. Just know brow that if you weren't squatting and dead lifting before than your old caloric intake is way to low and needs to be upped.
Good info guys.

I always knew a deadlift would be taxing, but I hadn't though it would take my whole system for the next day as well.
I may now have a new respect for the lift.

I like the advice to deadlift on a Friday. I'll recover over the weekend.

Diet-wise, I'm okay. I don't eat entirely clean, but I try to make sure I'm getting enough protein in me. I definitely have a good amount of carbs, and take multivitamins to supplement the veggies.
I could stand to lose a good 15 pounds of fat though, and I find myself trying to not overeat while building strength. Maybe I really do need to eat more.
Yeah bro just make sure your eating complex carbs and not simple carbs. This small change will burn fat. Oh and try eating at least two meals before you get to the gym.
good to hear you are going to the good stuff. personally i put back day and leg day on a level of their own as they are my favorite and the most taxing.

with that said, i never mix the two and provide at least 3-4 days between them. on of the hardest parts is planning out your week or weeks to fit in leg day with squats and back day with deadlifts. kill it on each and keep em seperate. although if you are on the good good, you are able to move these closer or even do them back to back days as recovery is awesome :)