I like turtles.
Sounds like broscience to me. I have seen no studies saying testosterone is detrimental to intelligence at such a young age. Its not like there have been any studies on AAS use in young adults, though. However pro bodybuilders who have been on way more compounds than I can ever dream of since age 16 appear to be fine nowadays. Lee Priest, Arnold, Lou, Platz to name a few. A couple blasts a year wont hurt.
There have been several studies on young men actually. I know there are quite a few linked here.
I just wanted to acknowledge that you're going to do what you're going to do, however - masteron is NOT an AI, nor does it do ANYTHING to estradiol levels. It simply has a higher bonding affinity over estradiol at the androgen receptor sites.
Unfortunately, you have receptors that don't get this treatment, and your prostate being one of them really doesn't like getting hit with E2.
I really wish you guys would stop comparing yourselves to these guys. Do you really look like Arnold did at 16? I bet you don't. So please stop that.
My .02c