Deca Gyno


New member
A few months back i did a cycle of test c and tren. I started to get sore nipples and little lumps. About a month later once the cycle was done the lumps cleared up. My last cycle was with test e and deca. I developed the lumps again and thought they would clear up the same. It has been about 2 months and the soreness went down a little and the lumps are a little smaller but still there. I could have taken caber but didnt cause it was expensive and the lumps cleared up before on there own. Does deca last longer in the body? Does it take longer for the progesterone levels to go back to normal? Should i still take caber this long after the deca cycle? I have been on nova 10ml and up to 20ml for a while so i dont think it is estergin related.
Might wanna post this in the Anabolic Steroid section. You'll get more hits over there bud.