Deca professionals and first cycle Deca users


New member
Any Deca users with good cycles and experiences of using Deca as a first cycle other than just using test only cycle as first cycle ? I know some cycles are deca/test cycle any breakdowns on using deca as good cycle and for people who don't agree with just test sides. Experienced answers reply back and good experiences from using deca or in a cycle.
My first ever cycle was 8 weeks of 250mg Deca. No sides, no sexual performance issues, nice lean 5-6lb gain that stuck around for months (and I had no idea of PCT back then). 2nd cycle was 8 weeks of 20mg dbol M to F morning - weekends off. Put on about 12 and kept half ... OTC post cycle therapy (pct). I'd have to say the dbol only was my fav non-test cycle.

These days it's always a test base (600-1000mg/w depending on what it's stacked with). With a good Aromatase inhibitor (AI) I find test has no sides except an 18-year olds libido.
Interested in some of these responses as I am considering running deca for the first time on my second cycle.
So you're going to forgo the Test Only recommendation for first timers? What if you have issues? Is it the Deca or the Test? You wont really know unless you do a Test Only cycle first to see how your body will respond. Something to consider..
So you're going to forgo the Test Only recommendation for first timers? What if you have issues? Is it the Deca or the Test? You wont really know unless you do a Test Only cycle first to see how your body will respond. Something to consider..

mickey u didn't answer my question. Why did u get banned on the big steroid forums? lol
mickey u didn't answer my question. Why did u get banned on the big steroid forums? lol

The OP is looking for help and not interested in your foolish questions. If you have personal questions for me use the PM feature, otherwise fuck off and grow up, and quit following me around the forums like a immature punk.
The OP is looking for help and not interested in your foolish questions. If you have personal questions for me use the PM feature, otherwise fuck off and grow up, and quit following me around the forums like a immature punk.

lol. Someones E2 is a little out of whack. Are you angry that your like 10000 posts on the AR forums are now all gone to waste :(.
Anyways sorry OP. Back over to you. No always run test with any AAS unless you can handle having a floppy burnt out penis that does nothing but dangle between your legs.

EDIT: mickeys just mad because on a bigger steroid forum he was banned and all his valuable posts went to waste. But then again I had a few thousand posts and I got banned to hahaha. Fuck that forum
Im interested in a deca/dbol or anadrol cycle, no test. No need for me to have a working dick lol, wife is pregnant and her drive is down the shitter also so whatever. Thinking Deca at 500mg/wk and dbol at 50mg/day for 5-6 wks or anadrol at 100mg/day for 5-6 weeks. Of course have hcg, nolva, prami and aromasin on hand and my liver care. Anyone ever experience something like this? Or know if dbol or a bombs work better with deca? I would start my own post but steroidology wont let me. Thanks
I have to start off by saying I'm no pro. However, I'm in the middle of my second cycle, and I have to say I'm now a fan of TRT doses of test along with other AAS. My first cycle was 500mg test.

The reason I say this is because I believe a TRT dose of test with 350mg Deca would be a solid "safe" and mild cycle, even compared to a standard 500mg test cycle. Gains would be similar, but you'd probably have less sides (I know I did).
I know the pics aren't the best, but it's all I really have at the moment. I put on about 15 solid pounds. Lifts massively increased, with a 410lb flat bench. (since everyone always wants to know bench numbers)
Oh yea, a good first time test/deca should be dosed like so-----------> Test E@600mg/week, Deca @300mg/week

Adjust Deca if needed. It's important to know that not everyone will react the exact same way to compounds. As you learn through experience, you can adjust dosages to best fit you. It's about finding that sweet spot where side effects don't override beneficial results.
I'm 2 hours deep into a solid ass coffee binge, so forgive my sporadic posting.

IF you have not taken any cycle before, do NOT add Deca to it.

Typical first cycle should be Test E or C @500m/week for 10-12 weeks. If you have any questions on anything cycle related (pct,oct, whatever) research, or ask.
i'm planing to use deca+winstrol+test to get ready for summer...
try to use deca on the second or third cycle... get used to test first.
Honestly a 500mg test, 250mg deca cycle would be just fine. However please dont use this as a first cycle. Maybe 2nd or third.
After 3 cycles of only test I am fianlly doing a test/deca cycle. I am torn between doing 400 Test & 250 Deca or just staying on my TRT dose of 200 test and adding in 400 deca.

I havent made up my mind but I am leaning toward 400 Test & 250 Deca.
I reccomend test 500mg weekly Deca 300mg weekly. 15 weeks test. 13 Deca. Gains were very good for me.
Run it for your first. Deca is generally extremely well tolerated as well as test. Get your blood work before, mid and after. To monitor your hormones. If problems occur your blood work will tell you whats causing it.
Oh and P.S. if your worried about sides run shorter esthers, as you can discontinue and effects will be much shorter lived.