Deca + Test E cycle. In need of help!


New member
A friend of mine (A bodybuilder) suggested that I should do a Deca-Durabolin - nandrolone decanoate - + testosterone enanthate cycle so I'm about to start it soon. They're both from Alpha Pharma, 10 ampoules of 1 ml each (250 mg/ml). But before I start it, I want to ask a few questions.

I'm 5'9 (Around 175 cm) and around 58 kg. This is my first cycle.

He told me to do the cycle over 4 weeks, 2 injections per week (Sunday and Wednesday)

Week 1: Sunday: 500 mg Test E + 250 mg Deca | Wednesday: 250 mg Test E + 500 mg Deca
Week 2: Sunday: 500 mg Test E + 250 mg Deca | Wednesday: 250 mg Test E + 500 mg Deca
Week 3: Sunday: 250 mg Test E + 250 mg Deca | Wednesday: 250 mg Test E + 250 mg Deca
Week 4: Sunday: 250 mg Test E + 250 mg Deca | Wednesday: 250 mg Test E + 250 mg Deca

But I have a feeling that 750 mg each for the first 2 weeks is too much. Should I spread the cycle to 6 weeks or maybe 8? Should I take Test E only?

What I don't want is to do a long cycle, say 10 or 12 weeks. Maybe I should've done more research before buying the steroids, but I didn't, so any help would be really really appreciated. And I really need the help!

Thanks in advance.
Your first cycle should be with just testosterone. Since it is the base of all the cycles you will ever run, you need to learn how your body responds to it and learn how to manage side effects on it. So drop the Deca and save it for a future cycle.

Did you guys discuss AI's and PCT? And hCG?

How old are you? What is your body fat %?

Read the FAQs link provided below in my signature. It will answer a lot of your questions.
With those esters, you simply do not have enuff gear to run a cycle. Your bodybuilding buddy isn't exactly educated.. Yes, it is recommended to run a test only cycle for 12 weeks. Test enanthate doesn't fully kick in till about 4-6 weeks. Why would your buddy suggest a short cycle with long esters? Hypothetically say you did want to use the deca too. It's even a longer ester. You won't see that kicking in till 6-8 weeks. Deca is usually ran for 14+ weeks. So your "buddy" didn't really help you out at all. I'm thinking said buddy sold you there gear too. Probably dumped off his leftovers and in turn you basically paid for his gear too. There's lots to learn with gear use. It's not as simple as jabbing your ass with whatever and results show up overnight. You will need to learn about ancillaries, pct, blood work, and hcg, among other things as Megatron had mentioned. Read up on the ology faq's thread and stop taking advice from your buddy. Everyone here has nothing to gain financially. We're all here giving solid advice and taking time out of our day to do so. It is strongly suggested to research on your own so you know what your doing. You will then be able to weed out good criticism from bad...
Hey, just because your buddy is a "bodybuilder" don't make him a professor. Make sure to do your homework here and read up and proceed with caution. and tell Him to come here and do some learning or your going to mess yourself up bad. Just because you pour syrup on shit dont make them pancakes and thats the quality of his advice to you so far, and if he offers to sell you gear, BEWARE!!!
You don't have enuff test. Read the ology faq's thread. Packed with everything you must know to do a first cycle...
hes 5'9 and 127.6lbs... did any of you catch that??

he doesn't need a cycle.. he needs to learn how to eat to grow..

i have a free diet advice thread in the diet section.. go there.. its a sticky

read post 1, then post up your diet with the instructions in it.. i can add 1-2lbs a week naturally on you.. why would you inject?
Go natty first and only start AAS if and when you find yourself no longer growing but want to. Hit your genetic potential first - it is free (or at least much cheaper) to do it that way.