Deca, Test, HCG Cycle - help need before starting

Hey, so I'm new to this site so bare with me. I was wanting/looking advice on a cycle I'm trying to get together.
Stats: 5'11" 180 pounds 10% body fat Age:25

Weeks 1-12 400mg Test E
Weeks 1-10 325mg Deca
Arimidex - taken as needed (.5g per week up if needed)
HCG - 250iu x2 week

Post Cycle - Nolvadex (3 weeks after last pin)

My questions are:

With the HCG I would like to run it throughout my cycle, should I start it from the very beginning or from the third week on? Also when would I discontinue the use of HCG?

I also have 800mg of Test Cyp, I was wonder whether it would make a difference if I use it for the first two weeks and switched to Test E or use it the last two weeks in place of the Test E?

I have an understanding of what I believe to be correct but I just wanted some input and confirmation!