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Well went for another blood test this past Friday to check the levels and I have a doctors appt this Friday to go over findings..Been doing this since May of last year and think it is time to find another doctor if my doctor dont open his eyes..I took a test on my levels 3 weeks ago and it came back 228 which I freaked. He has me on 300ml 1 a month which isnt shit, was 300ml every 2 weeks before and felt god, but when we did my test again the levels were 645 which I belive were normal and he said to high so he scaled back to the now once a month at 300ml...Now I have the yo yo effect where I crash and feel like shit..I want to start my cycle but cant until he straighten this shit out...I am 47 and havent done a cycle since 1987 so its been a long time..I did ask him to just give me the precription for the test and he looked at my like I am nuts, he dosent want me abusing it, I laughed in his face and said doc I am 47 years old what the fuck you think I am going to do.. He does not know I am going the be doing a cycle soon but I just think he is too old school as he had been my doctor since I was 7..

Hopefully I will see some light at the end of the tunnel and get this squared away sooner than later so I can get on with my life and feel a bit more normal in the gym etc as I have been training hard the last year and when you dont have the test in your body that you should the results are stagnenet..
get a new doc, if you felt good at 645 which is a fine number you should have stayed there. lots of docs would have pushed you up into the 800s
My doc is same way he'd rather see them low then high.
The specialist I have talked to all said its not the number that matters but the free test in your system. If its a low number and all bound up it is not doing you any good. They'd rather have you at high end with free test available if I'm saying that correctly. Sadly, I cannot afford the TRT specialist prices. Good luck.
Well got my reults back ahead of the doctor...365 is my to tal test level...This is going to be fun with my doctor again arguing what is normal and what is not...47 years old and have a number of 365 with an injection of 300ML 2 weeks ago sucks..Wish me luck on what he does, and if I dont like thew answer time to find another doctor.
get a new doc, if you felt good at 645 which is a fine number you should have stayed there. lots of docs would have pushed you up into the 800s

I would have to disagree as it seems most docs are willing to treat midrange 400-600 unless you are talking clinics.
These Dr's today suck! God forbid you feel good and get a good stiffy now and then and he don't!
Well just seen the doctor and thought as much and kind of new what he was going to do......He still belives that the 365 reading was normal and he wont up the dosage or shots every 2 weeks and would not give me a script to do it myself...He says he talked with his coleague a uroligst and said I was normal...I asked him if his colleague was 75 years old and specialized in this, he kind of looked at me like i was nuts...I told him this is not working out and need to go somewhwre else and he agreed for me to get a second that is what i am going to do go to a endocrinoligist and figure this out..My levels should not be this low especially if I am in the fing gym 6 days a week, eat healthy etc....So fing tired of doing this as its been way too long trying to get normal numbers..Until again guys. I will seek another Doctor that specializes in this TRT and hopefully i will get and find what i need or at the least start doing this myself...BTW he did give me a 300mg shot today...
Live in South Jersey and just started looking for doctors.I do have insurance so thats not a problem, like everyone said on the forum just need to be diligent i guess and find the right one that actually knows about this not old school doctors that think a 365 level is normal..Just been a long road and fighting this just seems to be a pain in the ass.
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Live in South Jersey and just started looking for doctors.I do have insurance so thats not a problem, like everyone said on the forum just need to be diligent i guess and find the right one that actually knows about this not old school doctors that think a 365 level is normal..Just been a long road and fighting this just seems to be a pain in the ass.

The problem you will run into with that kind of number is the insurance will not cover your therapy, with insurance there is only black and white.

So even if the Doctor wants to prescribe for you, he will not because he can not bill your insurance for the service if you are over 300 ng/dl.
The last reading I got was 268, the only reason it was 365 is because I got a shot 2 weeks before hand..Even if I have to pay cash for the product, it isnt expensive and will do that....
Get a new Dr...At my first test...I was 299..Dr Prescribed Test C...he recommended 200 a week...he gave the bottle...I took 200 per week for 12 weeks and my Test went to 1086. You will need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) at 200 per week as my Estrogen was high too. I didn't take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) that time...I will the next....:)
There's an entire thread on IMT. I haven't used them but Todd was a great guy when I talked to him on the phone.

There's a clinic in Red Bank, NJ that you can also try.