Deltaboy's Current Stats...


Amateur BB
19 215lbs 5'10 12%bf

Entering first competion in June

What you guys think?
I know my lower abs need work for sure!!
deltaboy14 said:
19 215lbs 5'10 12%bf

Entering first competion in June

What you guys think?
I know my lower abs need work for sure!!
Congrats on entering your first comp! :) Looking pretty good......I suspect that your lower abs will start to show once you start to cut some more. I'd love to see some lower body shots, and some tricep shots also. All round you have a nice even size everywhere....I don't see any noticeably lagging body parts.
thanks i was gonna put more pics on but it would only let me put 5..

I am currently running 600 mg/wk test cyp 600mg/wk eq 40mg/day methanabol
great shoulders, where are the leg pics? due to your upper body size and weight im thinking that your legs are a little small? lower abs are all about bodyfat bro, when you lean up youll be there.
junes coming up soon, are you prepping right now?

btw great job so far! Our boddies are almost the same size and bodyfat wise but your 6 years younger than me, congrats.
thanks alot man..yea man my legs are lagging a little i will post some pics of them up soon...and yea im getting ready for comp. dieting hard and have my first posing session in a few weeks
You've got about 15 lbs to lose plus any water your holding from the pics you've shown.

Second get someone to teach you to pose. You need to pull your shoulders down and roatate them when you do a back double bi--
I am man..i got my first lesson in a couple of weeks..and yea i gotta lose some fat and water but im still trying to add in some muscle
Looking good man. Solid foundation and good size. What are your goals? If you dropped down to 200, id bet youd look freakin shredded with good size. Looking good tho bro.
Thanks alot for the compliments bro, my goal is to one day eventually be a pro and im not gonna stop til i get there...Im following this diet plan this top amateur BB wrote out for me so right now im trying to just maintain the 215 and keep dropping the BF% but i think eventually i will be down to around 200 come comp. time