Desperately need advice from the veterans


New member
I'm trying to figure out if cycling testosterone will increase my quality of life and if the benefits outweigh the potential negatives.

I just turned 30 years old, been training for 5+ years. All of my lifts are in the "advanced" bracket, although I could probably increase my lifts a bit more. Brute strength is not my main focus however and I do a lot of conditioning as well. I also own a farm and I work outside upwards of 8 hours a day sometimes, especially in the summer. It all takes a toll, but I don't want to reduce the workload because I enjoy it. I do have issues with recovery lately though, no injuries but just worn out at the end of the day. Strength and endurance is pretty invaluable for the work I do outside so keeping up with my routine is pretty crucial. And of course, I do prefer to look a certain way. I watch my diet and have everything down for the most part. Recent bloodwork shows me as having no cholesterol/diabetes risks or any deficiencies so I'm pretty confident with my diet. Current test level is at 708, did not get estrogen checked though. If I decided to begin cycling I'd get the pre-cycle blood work done.

My concern is that I'll end up being on them for life. When I was younger I foolishly ran some PH cycles, h-drol first and p-mag after. I had no sides and ran a successful PCT but in hindsight I wasn't really ready to do that. Nonetheless, I didn't have any issues. If I run actual AAS, I'm afraid of permanently shutting down my HPTA, and I'm also concerned about speeding up potential hair loss and aging in general. I haven't had any issues so far at 30 years old but my dad is bald. He said he was bald by my age though.

Lastly, blood work in NY may be an issue. I found this place: - You can have a lab kit sent to you and apparently go to a lab. Otherwise I'd have to drive 3 hours each way out of state to get blood work done. I have no free time as it is so it'd be a huge pain in the ass if I had to continuously do that.

So in closing, would it be worth it for me try a basic cycle of 500mg test-e weekly for 12-16 weeks? I've done plenty of research, I understand how to safely do it, I just can't decide if it's going to increase my performance enough to make it worth it. I'm not a bodybuilder and I'm basically looking for the performance enhancing benefits.

Thanks for any insight.
Test levels are pretty good. Only you can decide if the benefits out way the risks. Unless you have specific goals that only aas can help you meet, I'd steer away until your mid 40's or your level drop below 400
There are zero guarantees I'm afraid. You could potentially cycle this one time and recover just fine, or it could cause permanent shut down. Nobody knows for certain.

Baldness is another factor that is rather difficult to guess on. Given your natural test levels and a full head of hair, it's likely you'll be fine, but as it's the conversion to DHT that really matters, and if you have enough of the genes to actually give you the trait - you could very well lose your hair.

As carverelli stated; it comes down to risk vs reward. If you feel that the risks are worth it (you have clearly done some homework), then proceed. Otherwise, it's just not for you at this time.

My .02c :)
Test levels are pretty good. Only you can decide if the benefits out way the risks. Unless you have specific goals that only aas can help you meet, I'd steer away until your mid 40's or your level drop below 400

There are zero guarantees I'm afraid. You could potentially cycle this one time and recover just fine, or it could cause permanent shut down. Nobody knows for certain.

Baldness is another factor that is rather difficult to guess on. Given your natural test levels and a full head of hair, it's likely you'll be fine, but as it's the conversion to DHT that really matters, and if you have enough of the genes to actually give you the trait - you could very well lose your hair.

As carverelli stated; it comes down to risk vs reward. If you feel that the risks are worth it (you have clearly done some homework), then proceed. Otherwise, it's just not for you at this time.

My .02c :)

Thanks for the replies. I was planning on using 250iu HCG 2x a week per the average recommendations I see as a precaution in regards to HPTA shutdown.

It's basically a matter of whether or not I'll be able to train at the same volume while eating the same amount of calories and be able to recover in a way that I have more energy. That's my main goal. It's a matter of whether or not the long term side effects are too much of a risk. Also, if I can't easily get blood work done through a local lab then I'll probably not do it. It's a tough pill to swallow having to drive 3 hours each way and I wouldn't wanna risk doing it without blood work.
Thanks for the replies. I was planning on using 250iu HCG 2x a week per the average recommendations I see as a precaution in regards to HPTA shutdown.

It's basically a matter of whether or not I'll be able to train at the same volume while eating the same amount of calories and be able to recover in a way that I have more energy. That's my main goal. It's a matter of whether or not the long term side effects are too much of a risk. Also, if I can't easily get blood work done through a local lab then I'll probably not do it. It's a tough pill to swallow having to drive 3 hours each way and I wouldn't wanna risk doing it without blood work.

Recovery WILL be better. You can consume the same calories, and you'll experience more of a recompositioning effect, where you lose fat, but gain muscle. It's not as drastic as the traditional bulk - -> cut approach, but the results are still considerable.

You're totally doing this the right way, thinking health first. This speaks volumes regarding your maturity, and that translates to a better experience all around. :)
Recovery WILL be better. You can consume the same calories, and you'll experience more of a recompositioning effect, where you lose fat, but gain muscle. It's not as drastic as the traditional bulk - -> cut approach, but the results are still considerable.

You're totally doing this the right way, thinking health first. This speaks volumes regarding your maturity, and that translates to a better experience all around. :)
Is there any benefit to joint health from running a cycle? For example, if one has slight muscle imbalances, does the rapid strength increase help take stress off of the effected areas? Assuming you aren't pushing yourself to maximal ranges which I know could have the reverse effect.

As for hair loss, would using nizoral regularly be enough as a preventive measure? I have only noticed slight temple thinning, which even if I don't use testosterone I'd like to slow down.

How much of a performance enhancing effect would 500mg/week offer in terms of conditioning? I don't bodybuild and have more of a strength/explosiveness and conditioning focus. I know after a while, too much muscle gain would be a hinderance. At my height of 5'9'' I'd only want a maximum of 10lbs increase assuming I am in the 8-9% bodyfat range. Anymore I think may effect performance and my conditioning.
Is there any benefit to joint health from running a cycle? For example, if one has slight muscle imbalances, does the rapid strength increase help take stress off of the effected areas? Assuming you aren't pushing yourself to maximal ranges which I know could have the reverse effect.

As for hair loss, would using nizoral regularly be enough as a preventive measure? I have only noticed slight temple thinning, which even if I don't use testosterone I'd like to slow down.

How much of a performance enhancing effect would 500mg/week offer in terms of conditioning? I don't bodybuild and have more of a strength/explosiveness and conditioning focus. I know after a while, too much muscle gain would be a hinderance. At my height of 5'9'' I'd only want a maximum of 10lbs increase assuming I am in the 8-9% bodyfat range. Anymore I think may effect performance and my conditioning.

No, sadly joints do not receive any benefit at all. In fact, rapid increases in strength combined with a decrease in collagen synthesis due to AAS can actually impede joint health.

However, ample rest and cycling off does help minimize these risks. This is especially true for those that have spent a significant amount of time training before venturing into AAS as connective tissues should be stronger.

Some guys use Nizoral, and see benefits - but I wouldn't use it as a proactive measure unless you KNOW you're prone. I urge that if you find you are prone, to stay away from things like finasteride. Androgen blocking agents don't just block DHT; they interrupt your natural testosterone production too - which is a double whammy when you come off cycle.

Sorry, I can't predict something that is so individual as I have no idea what your training is like, what your genetics bring to the table, your diet, rest regimen, et cetera. It's just something you would have to find out for yourself to be honest.
No, sadly joints do not receive any benefit at all. In fact, rapid increases in strength combined with a decrease in collagen synthesis due to AAS can actually impede joint health.

However, ample rest and cycling off does help minimize these risks. This is especially true for those that have spent a significant amount of time training before venturing into AAS as connective tissues should be stronger.

Some guys use Nizoral, and see benefits - but I wouldn't use it as a proactive measure unless you KNOW you're prone. I urge that if you find you are prone, to stay away from things like finasteride. Androgen blocking agents don't just block DHT; they interrupt your natural testosterone production too - which is a double whammy when you come off cycle.

Sorry, I can't predict something that is so individual as I have no idea what your training is like, what your genetics bring to the table, your diet, rest regimen, et cetera. It's just something you would have to find out for yourself to be honest.

Doesn't deca anecdotally help with joints? Or is that just temporary?
Doesn't deca anecdotally help with joints? Or is that just temporary?

thats more due to fluid and cushioning of the area and is temp, i do like the help though. i would look at peptide tb500. igf1 oe a pep combo of ghrp2 and Mod grf 1-29 if you want something to add with the test for joints imo