Detroit Lions!


Board Twinkie
wow, my lions got their first consecutive wins since 2000, great.

a few new starters too

most notably a new tight end, casey fitzsimmons. get this -- this kid played 8 on 8 football in college, and was undrafted. crazy shit.
Sorry but the Lions still suck and they know it the whole organization needs to be shit caned and rebuilt from scratch otherwise they will always be the same old LIONS. And yes the truth hurts.
That dont mean shit , again they wont make the playoffs this year and i hardly dobt next year also they still suck and will continue until they clean house beleive it its true sorry Lion fans. P.S the only time they play good is on thanksgiving day go figure and thats the high light of the year.
of course they wont make the playoffs this year

but, they have young players at core positions, they will be good in the future. sean salisbury is predicting 10 wins :)

who do you like, anyways?
Why u like the Lions.....ive been pullin for em since Barry Sanders days.
Seems like them and the Saints just cant get it together.
My Raiders are the biggest dissapointment of the NFL....from the Superbowl to the toilet!
Heres the truth i to once was a Lion fan and when Barry Sanders left the team so did the heart of the Lions for some reason they just never rebounded from it and are still to this day dumbfounded by it take a look back in the history of great football teams remember all the great running backs some of them out of the chicago bears miami doulphins the oakland raiders and sanfran 49ers ect look were they are now the running game is dieing and thats why they have turned more to the passing game they still have good qbs and receivers but the running game is dead for most teams today when a new breed of backs return so to will the real game of football this is what made the game so much fun to watch. For me its just gets more boring to watch the same old shit as in the Lions give them a great running back and you will see them in the playoffs dont forget there still trying to get Barry into the organization enogh said.
barry screwed the team, we're still fixing the ramification of that
we have young players at key positions, we are gonna be good
dbolme said:
barry screwed the team, we're still fixing the ramification of that
we have young players at key positions, we are gonna be good

I hear the words of a true fan albeit hollow words that lack meaning and substance, words of a fan that has blindly come to the conclusion that his team will overcome only to be let down again and again and again till he finally has a winning season only to discover its when he switches allegience to a team w/ a chance.
they're coming around, i think 2005 will be the year
young players at key positions
qb, cb, wr, lb, dline
the need an offensive line and a running back and a wide receiver and they're set to go
and maybe champ bailey in there too