DexterMorgan's 1st Test-E Only Cycle Updated Journey.


No longer Cycles
DexterMorgan's 1st 12WK Test-E Only Cycle

Hello Everyone, I've started my cycle today 5/13/13.
In this thread I will share my 1st cycle with you guys.
I have been reading this forum since December 2012, but only recently registered this account.

My current Stats:
22 y/o (will be 23 in August)
5'11", ~168lbs ~11-12% bodyfat (The heaviest I've been was 190lbs 8 months ago with fairly low bodyfat)
Over 3 years of lifting experience.

Wk 1-12 Test Enanthate 500mg/wk, (Monday, Thursday)
Wk 2-14 LiquidStane (Aromasin) 12.5mg, ED
(As suggested by MeatHead ad Docd, instead of taking stane 1-14, I will slowly build it up to 12.5mg/day, by taking low amounts the 1st week)

Clomafene (Clomid) 50/50/50/50
Tamoxifen (Nolvadex) 40/40/20/20

I will start my PCT 2 weeks after my last Injection. (Each "/" separates the weeks. Number in between is the amount in mg that will be taken everyday).

My Pre-Cycle BloodWork results. (taken at 4 p.m., I know test is much higher in the morning.)

Test Serum: 593
LH: 3.5
Estradiol: 33.6

I will update new BloodWork results mid cycle, and 3 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct).

Any questions or suggestions are appreciated.
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Well done on your research and getting bloodwork done first too. Very good. Cycle looks perfect for a first timer. My only recommendation would be to start the stane maybe 2wks in to avoid taking estrogen before the test begins to kick in.
Well thought out cycle and obviously researched. Props brother. Also good job on the bloodwork being done before you start. To add to what Meathead said, this is your first cycle and therefore you don't know your body's propensity to aromatize testosterone. Crashing estrogen is just as bad as estrogen being too high. Another option with the exemestane would be to start off at 6.25mg/ED or EOD (5mg being the minimum EFFECTIVE dose) or if you want to take 12.5mg take it EOD. There is no absolute right answer, we can only offer guidance and its up to you to make the final decision. Regardless of your dosing, monitor for high and low estrogen sides and adjust your dosage accordingly. Also take a blood test again around wk 8 or so to get a concrete number of where estrogen levels are.
I'm guessing its either Dexter or MeatHead who repped me since we're the only ones who replied to this thread so far, but to whoever did it you didn't leave your name so I can thank you. If you don't put your name I have no clue who left it and I like to thank anyone who takes the time out to rep me.
Placebo kicked in hard. Had a great workout last night and tonight. Motivation increased greatly.
Decided to go as follows for my 1st week of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) intake.
2.5mg, 2.5mg, 2.5mg, 5mg, 5mg, 7.5mg, 7.5mg. (each comma separates each day)
keep us updated, good luck! I know the first couple weeks of a first cycle are a rush... just waiting for it to kick in, thinking 'Do I feel it yet?'
Looks solid man, I'll be watching this as this is similar to what I will be doing, however I havent decided on blasting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or cruising on it or not at all.
Had a second injection Thursday in a different region of the quad that's closer to the top. Shot went smooth, barely even sore. 1st mid quad injection spot still hurts more than a second pin, but not as bad as it did yesterday. Probably because I was very nervous and my hands were shaking during the 1st pin.

Also I made about 4 attempts the 1st time, it was scary lol.
Had a second injection Thursday in a different region of the quad that's closer to the top. Shot went smooth, barely even sore. 1st mid quad injection spot still hurts more than a second pin, but not as bad as it did yesterday. Probably because I was very nervous and my hands were shaking during the 1st pin.

Also I made about 4 attempts the 1st time, it was scary lol.

It gets easier. Quad injects are easy but still make me nervous cuz I've hit a nerve couple times. Weird feeling. Good luck on the cycle keep us posted
I'm currently increasing my calories, fridge is packed with cooked chicken and pork.

I don't really see any increases in strength or extra mass yet, but I feel much better. Sex drive is through the roof. I feel like I don't have to sleep as long. Waking up for work, barely even sleepy.

Possibly hit the vein when I was injecting. After pulling out the syringe, there was more blood than usual. But it stopped bleeding in about 30 seconds.

So really don't have anything interesting to share yet.
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Just a little update

Slowly merged my shots to Sun & Wed. days. so that I can have 84 hours between each shot without work getting in the way.

I feel pretty good now, past few days been in a bad mood, some problems with sleep, so I lowered my Aromasin dose to 6.5mg from 12.5mg and feel a lot better. Blood pressure is normal too.

Currently I have mild gyno from puberty. I'm very paranoid about it, and I think the size of it slightly increased, don't know for sure.
Just to be safe, and to stop checking my nipples every few hours, I'm now taking 10mg of Nolva ed, possibly will switch to 20mg eod soon.

I'm at about surplus of 300 cals right now, which increases every week to 500-600 cals. I think I'll stay at 500-600 cals over the maintenance for this cycle instead of planned 800, to gain lean mass without too much fat.

Had a nice leg workout yesterday.

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Just a little update

Slowly merged my shots to Sun & Wed. days. so that I can have 84 hours between each shot without work getting in the way.

I feel pretty good now, past few days been in a bad mood, some problems with sleep, so I lowered my Aromasin dose to 6.5mg from 12.5mg and feel a lot better. Blood pressure is normal too.

Currently I have mild gyno from puberty. I'm very paranoid about it, and I think the size of it slightly increased, don't know for sure.
Just to be safe, and to stop checking my nipples every few hours, I'm now taking 10mg of Nolva ed, possibly will switch to 20mg eod soon.

I'm at about surplus of 300 cals right now, which increases every week to 500-600 cals. I think I'll stay at 500-600 cals over the maintenance for this cycle instead of planned 800, to gain lean mass without too much fat.

Had a nice leg workout yesterday.


Lmao, that pic is hilarious!! Good to hear you're enjoying your cycle thus far. I agree about the calories if you're not going for all out mass. And good luck with the gyno issues man, keep an eye on it and you're Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and nolva should hopefully be more than enough!
I'ts been 6 1/2 since I've started. I began my cycle at 168lbs and right now I'm at 188 with about the same body fat percentage. About 10 months ago I was 190lbs natty, so muscle memory dong it's thing.

I've noticed my strength increased. So cycle is going well, I'm keep getting bigger while staying pretty lean.

This is my mid cycle bloods
Test and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) are working, but we can't tell if its 1550 or 3000

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Donated blood today, went better than expected. Didn't feel anything at all. They will send me CBC results and my blood type in the mail, which is nice.
This log feels kind of pointless without progress pics tho, but helps me track the dates.

My lifts are up. I workout each body part twice a week currently, and legs once a week. Everyday in the gym, but I love it.
Pressing 100s dumbbells in each hand, I feel like a beast.
I'm getting leaner and bigger.
I will post progress pics soon possibly.
My protein intake is 200grams a day, mostly comes from meats, dairy, and eggs. Fats and carbs are never the same.
My cycle ends July 31st. So July 1st to 31 I'll be doing a cut. Aiming for 7-8% body fat.
Doing cardio 5-6 times a week, on treadmill and stairs.
Donated blood today, went better than expected. Didn't feel anything at all. They will send me CBC results and my blood type in the mail, which is nice.
This log feels kind of pointless without progress pics tho, but helps me track the dates.

My lifts are up. I workout each body part twice a week currently, and legs once a week. Everyday in the gym, but I love it.
Pressing 100s dumbbells in each hand, I feel like a beast.
I'm getting leaner and bigger.
I will post progress pics soon possibly.
My protein intake is 200grams a day, mostly comes from meats, dairy, and eggs. Fats and carbs are never the same.
My cycle ends July 31st. So July 1st to 31 I'll be doing a cut. Aiming for 7-8% body fat.
Doing cardio 5-6 times a week, on treadmill and stairs.

Nice progress Dex and good thinking with the blood donation. I did the same and took preemptive measures. The only thing I'd caution against is starting your cut the day you end your cycle. When you finish the cycle and wait for pct, testosterone levels are dropping and since you're not making any endogenously at this point, your levels will continue to drop. When you start pct, you still have no endogenous production and will be at your lowest test levels (well below normal reference ranges). I would suggest you wait to start your cut until you GEt post-cycle blood work AND verify your testosterone levels are back to baseline. Trying to cut with no/little testosterone will only lead to increased muscle loss during the cut even if you do a mild caloric deficit. Just trying to give you some viewpoints buddy. Everything else looks great!
Nice progress Dex and good thinking with the blood donation. I did the same and took preemptive measures. The only thing I'd caution against is starting your cut the day you end your cycle. When you finish the cycle and wait for pct, testosterone levels are dropping and since you're not making any endogenously at this point, your levels will continue to drop. When you start pct, you still have no endogenous production and will be at your lowest test levels (well below normal reference ranges). I would suggest you wait to start your cut until you GEt post-cycle blood work AND verify your testosterone levels are back to baseline. Trying to cut with no/little testosterone will only lead to increased muscle loss during the cut even if you do a mild caloric deficit. Just trying to give you some viewpoints buddy. Everything else looks great!
Yeah I was thinking about that, but wasnt sure. Would hate to lose my gains because of it. Thanx for input, I'll probably keep my calories at maintenance or slightly higher which with cardio should bring some fat loss, but nothing to crazy. At least 9 percent would be nice, which isn't that lean, but at 9-10 I like the way I look, and I don't feel hungry all day.
Yeah I was thinking about that, but wasnt sure. Would hate to lose my gains because of it. Thanx for input, I'll probably keep my calories at maintenance or slightly higher which with cardio should bring some fat loss, but nothing to crazy. At least 9 percent would be nice, which isn't that lean, but at 9-10 I like the way I look, and I don't feel hungry all day.

Cardio won't make a huge difference fat wise without the caloric deficit there. Just saying that so you're not expecting huge changes. There is evidence though that cardio, even if not burning fat directly, helps keep your fat burning/fatty acid oxidation pathways "primed" and more efficient. So I'd keep cals at maintenance or ~200 above, do some light cardio up to 4-5x/wk or HIIT 2x/wk max. Remember overdoing cardio will cut into your recovery from lifting which is the primary determinant (with diet of course) of how much muscle you keep. So I suggest keeping it light until you get blood work showing testosterone is back to normal than you can go for an aggressive 20% caloric deficit cut till you get to your desired BF%. Best of luck Dex!!!! Keep up with the updates too :p