dextrose at night?


New member
Hey everyone i am a newbie. I have reading alot of info on this site for about 5 months but i was not able to post anything. I found out that i did not click the link to activate my account. So i had to get a new account. This sight has taught me alot about bodybuilding everyone in here is really helpful.

Anyways my question is about dextrose. I go to school and work so the only time i am able to workout is at night around 10 or 11pm right before bed. I was wondering if it is still a good idea to take it after i workout or will it cause me to gain weight. Any info will be greatly helpful.

stats-5'9,206lbs,19yrs,lifting for 3 solid years.
The reason people say not to eat carbs at night is because insulin sensitivity lowers as you get into the evening.

However, if you just lifted, insulin sensitivity is way up, so you no longer have the problem of lowered insulin sensitivity at night.

So you can definitely use it, but make sure you're not using too much (this applies at any time of day). Here is a general guideline you can use, and you can increase or decrease depending on how you react:

0.6g/kg LBM

12-72 reps per workout - 0.600g/Kg of LBM
73-200 reps per workout - 0.800g/kg of LBM
200-360 reps per workout – 1.000g/kg of LBM
360-450 reps per workout – 1.200g/kg of LBM

Take a multivitamin/mineral with your PWO shake to make up for the lack of nutrients in the dextrose.

Now, there is one more issue that you will need to consider. When you take in that much sugar, there is the risk that you can crash and go hypoglycemic afterwards. If you go to bed and this happens, it can interrupt sleep (very bad) and you'll wake up really hungry. In order to combat this, have some type of low glycemic carb no sooner than 15 minutes after your PWO shake (so you don't slow the absorption of the shake). Something like an apple or some oatmeal would work here. The low GI carbs will help prevent you from going hypo when you sleep.