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1 gram of dextrose is equal to 1 gram 50g dex = 50 carbs
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I buy straight dextrose from the Bulk Barn and add that to my post workout shake. It's really inexpensive too.:)
haha Fyre I swear that were too alike. lol
I too buy my dextrose at BulkBarn, very very cheap...also look for the name corn sugar. same thing, different name.
I add mine right in my post workout shake along with my whey :)
I know it is required to create the quickest and highest insulin spike for maximum glycogen and Creatine uptake by muscle cells, but what do you mix it with, you don't want to drink it straight obviously, In shake format? Do you mix w/ creatine? Not in a protein shake right?
When you exercise you use your glycogen. Dextrose helps replenish glycogen stores. It helps with your recuperation. I mix 50g in my protine drink and drink it as I am crawling out of the gym...for me that is the best!
why you buy dextrose seprately , i think it is one of the best creatines' integredints , isnt it ? correct me if I am wrong ..
waht creatine are you buying? its most likely a premixed blend of creatine and dextrose...
I personally buy pure creatine monohydrate and dextrose seperatly.
Cell-Tech contains Dextrose Pluse Alpha lipolic Acid wich has something to do with insulin after you take it ...
yes it does. but its far cheaper to just take your own. I take ALA with all my carb meals, including post workout shakes. it mimics insulin, thus transporting nutrients to the muscle tissues...tons of info on it.

im just saying that in the long run I find it cheaper for myself to seperatly purchase my whey protein, dextrose, creatine and ala. .. make my own mix.

for those that can afford the "convience" of a premixed... by all means buy it. but Celltech would NOT be my choice. far to overpriced. Id rather go with Sportlabs Plasmavol!