Dianabol anavar cycle.


New member
Week1-6 Dianabol 30mg=well never tried this.. hoping for mass gains. diet is good so expecting a nice cycle.{only thing is the f..... price.]
Week1-6 Anavar 50mg=hoping to aid with strenth and hardness and body fat.{yes diet is the key]
Week1-6 Proviron 50mg=should help with estrogen slightly and enhance the synergy of class 1 and 2 drugs, and give nice hard look.
Week7-9 Nolvadex/zma/carnitine

Aromasin on hand start using if gyno creeps up.

Live sup=liver longer
HIMALAYAl LIV double strenth

vit c 2.000mg
vit e 1.000iu
hawthorn berry

4,5 litres daily

1.71 78 kilos 13% body fat.

should i use Aromatase inhibitor (AI) from the start??

dont want bloat, but i might get lucky and not be bloated, so dont want to use med if i dont have to.

Small nice cycle nice and easy.

i should expect nice gains. with an easy comeback at pct.

the dbol is akhrikin any reviews on the dbol.


And guys, excellent forum.i decided to join after 2 years of stalking.
NOt to be a dick but after 2 years of reading posts did you not catch that nobody here is going to recommend your cycle. Oral only cycles are no bueno and there is sticky here on it if you want to read as to why. To be able to replace only your own test once the orals shut you down you would have to take so much of the orals that it becomes much too toxic for the body.

I would re-think this. The orals can be used but I would use ONE OR THE OTHER to kick start a long ester test based cycle.

Also - since were on it please post up your stats: Age, # of cycles & AAS History, Training History etc.

Again - not trying to be a dick here but moreso try to help keep people from making mistakes that i did. Now I have to get testosterone shots for the rest of my life because i did some stupid stuff like this cycle.
thank you for answering. just

It would not exceed my bodys natural test production so shutdown would be a waste... i have done a stupid cycle 2 years ago.. anavar winstrol 12 weeks.
i did do post cycle therapy (pct) clomid.
sides were not thinking about sex.but thank god i can have sex 4,5 times a day no problem!!! just hope i didnt damage my sperm.....

did a second cycle of systanon{sustanon hurt like a fucking bitch had big red silicone tits in my arse. and equipose and winstrol{from a gym}
but overtrained....

OK. this is what i originaly started for...but cant find gonatropin...to use in the cycle to enchance recovery....
DOING CYCLE ON MY OWN.{i just finished a pt training course :) just sharing with you]
week1-5 30mg dianabol
week1-10 testosterone enathanate 500mg mon/thur.250mg
week1-10proviron 50mg
week1-12 aromasin if starting to bloat or gyno creeps...
week14 nolvadex/clomid./zma/carnitine
The training room in london see you are from uk too!!

It was good.
Im 24 and months

must of done first cycle 23 almost 2 years ago...yes bad bad
The training room in london see you are from uk too!!

It was good.
Im 24 and months

must of done first cycle 23 almost 2 years ago...yes bad bad
23 not too bad, better than 19. second cycle looks good, I would run test for 12 weeks minimum, you won't get a full 10 weeks worth of gear out of 2 vials anyway so you might aswell buy another 1 and run it for 12 weeks. I would bin that first cycle mate and stick too the second 1.
week1-5 30mg dianabol
week1-12 testosterone enathanate 500mg mon/thur.250mg
week1-12proviron 50mg
week1-14 aromasin if starting to bloat or gyno creeps...
week16-19 nolvadex/clomid./zma/carnitine

what dosage should i use for nolva and clomid????
should i start using aromasin from the start or if gyno creeps??????
i think ill be ok with the proviron.{last cycle was using 50mg proviron and 20 mg of nolva,and absolutely no sighn of gyno.}
but dont want to run nolva only on pct.

could i put anavar at 50 mg for last 4 weeks u think??/

dbol is akhrikin. russian a friend uses them used them??
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PCT should be from week 15 with clomid 50/50/50/50 and nolvedex 40/40/20/20. I've never used prov so can't advice you on that. You could wait until you get signs of gyno to start Aromatase inhibitor (AI) but why wait for something bad to happen when you prevent it from happening all together. I'ts up to you on this one. remember it also lowers your estrogen levels which you can't tell without bloodwork. This is also another good thing to do. before, during (so you can sort out your Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dosage if your estrogen levels are too high or low.)and after pct.

I wouldn't worry about the Anavar (var) until nearer the time m8, you'll prob find you won't need it. The only way to cheaply tell if the dbol is legit is to take the thing.