Dianabol dose, what do you guys run Dbol at?


New member
I'm going to get 100 Dbol pills at 10MG a pill, so I was thinking 30MG a day everyday for 4 weeks?

I'll be kickstarting a 12 week Prop cycle at 100MG EOD.

12 Weeks Prop 100MG EOD
4 Weeks Dbol 30MG ED

Arimidex as needed, 0.25MG or 0.5MG EOD

-2 Weeks of no substances-


Nolva - 40/40/20/20
Clomid - 50/50/50/50

This will be my second cycle

194 pounds
I have ran dbol a few times, I still only use 30mg a day, and it does wonders for me. It does have downsides though, I look like the stay puft marshmallow man, but I get strong and feel freaking amazing.
Spear, you run Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with that?

If i have 150 hits @ 5mg a pop whats best dose? 25mg ed for 30 days or 30mg ed for 25 days?