dianabol or anavar next?


New member
I am currently taking a x-tren cycle and was wondering what i should take next? I was thinking about starting a anavar cycle the pills next after x-tren what do you guys think? Has anyone tried anavar? How good does it work on weight gaining?
I am currently taking a x-tren cycle and was wondering what i should take next? I was thinking about starting a anavar cycle the pills next after x-tren what do you guys think? Has anyone tried anavar? How good does it work on weight gaining?

Anavar is good overall, should be run on a low carb, high protein diet. It will provide nice lean gains along strength. Do you have your post cycle therapy (pct) in check. Also its not easy finding a good source of anavar.
You do know this is the Natural Steroids and Steroid Alternatives forum. Not the steroids forum? Just asking is all my friend.
I am sorry lol. I am taking x-tren and jacked, and a joint supplement. I heard you dont need a pct on x-tren till after you get done with the cycle.
Would taking a test booster be good after the x-tren cycle?

I would pct something like this for a 4 week trenX cycle-

HCGenerate and Sustain Alpha at minimum.

For a 6 week TrenX cycle, I would add in Clomid at 25mg ED for 4 weeks as well.
alot of PCT i have looked up have test booster in it. Would it be good to take a test booster while runing x-tren or after?
chuck, if you wanna ask about taking Anavar (var) come over to the steroid profile, tons of info there about it, just make a thread and im sure you will get tons of responses, i have cycled Anavar (var) 2x and thought it was gods gift to the world.
im 19 and only really starting gym up have b4 but gave up cus it takes piss

DBOL OR ANAVAR ORALS? ive got 100 of both 10mg anavar and 50mg dbol tabs here but not sure withc ones to take really i just want to tone up and get rid of my beer belly and get bigger arms? im 19 5.6 and 12stone in weight any help ?