New member
Hi to all,
yesterday, I finally started my first cycle, it's very basic since I'm just pinning 250mg/week of testo enanthate and 0.5 mg of Anostrozole twice a week.
I would like to run this for about a month just to check the feeling and then I was thinking to add some other compound.
I have hCG, but I'm not taking it since my trainer told me to wait two or three weeks before starting and assume it, twice a week.
I'm 178 cm, 37 yo, 80Kg, bf= 12% and my goal is to put on 2-4Kg of muscles and to improve my libido.
I run my blood tests two times per year and my natural Testo is pretty good (it's 5 ng/ml), my LH is 2.7 mUI/ml, FSH= 3.4 mUI/ml, E2 = 22 pg/ml, free T = 5.8 (range is 5.4-40).
Probably I would like to be in blast and cruise, so, for example, having a testo base and adding a tiny cycle for 8-12 weeks and then come back on only testo and so on.
I waited to start taking testosterone since my wife and I were looking for a baby and finally she is pregnant.
I would like to protect my fertility somehow for the next 2 years (if we want to have another baby) even if I know there are no garanties and hCG can just support my testicles from shriking but it does nothing for my fertility.
What do you suggest?
I always read the forum and I learn a lot, but I'm pretty sure my questions are stupid, so I'm really sorry for this!
And also, sorry for my english!
yesterday, I finally started my first cycle, it's very basic since I'm just pinning 250mg/week of testo enanthate and 0.5 mg of Anostrozole twice a week.
I would like to run this for about a month just to check the feeling and then I was thinking to add some other compound.
I have hCG, but I'm not taking it since my trainer told me to wait two or three weeks before starting and assume it, twice a week.
I'm 178 cm, 37 yo, 80Kg, bf= 12% and my goal is to put on 2-4Kg of muscles and to improve my libido.
I run my blood tests two times per year and my natural Testo is pretty good (it's 5 ng/ml), my LH is 2.7 mUI/ml, FSH= 3.4 mUI/ml, E2 = 22 pg/ml, free T = 5.8 (range is 5.4-40).
Probably I would like to be in blast and cruise, so, for example, having a testo base and adding a tiny cycle for 8-12 weeks and then come back on only testo and so on.
I waited to start taking testosterone since my wife and I were looking for a baby and finally she is pregnant.
I would like to protect my fertility somehow for the next 2 years (if we want to have another baby) even if I know there are no garanties and hCG can just support my testicles from shriking but it does nothing for my fertility.
What do you suggest?
I always read the forum and I learn a lot, but I'm pretty sure my questions are stupid, so I'm really sorry for this!
And also, sorry for my english!