Diary of my 12 week Cycle Tren, Test,Mast, Anavar


New member
Hey Everyone
I am a little over a week into my cycle and wanted to do a diary on how I get on, both good and bad points in relation to strength, sides, Size, definition etc.
I am 6 foot 1 inches, 14.5 stone at around 15% bodyfat.
I train 5-6 times per week and have been training around 13 years my diet is in check and I eat 5 small balanced meals a day hitting my macros.
Previous Cycles
Cycle 1 Dianabol (when I was to young and stupid) added some size but a lot of bloat
Cycle 2 Test only cycle ( good gains from this and I was Happy)
Cycle 3 Test & Winstrol ( Didn't get much from the winstrol, just really bad joint pain)

Cycle and I am currently just over a week in on this one
Med tech solutions Lean gain which is a mixture of
Test Prop 50mg
Tren Ace 75 mg
Mast 75mg

I am taking 1ml every other day for 12 weeks
I am also taking Anavar week 1-5 at 40mg a day
I am prone to Gyno so taking Anastrozole 1mg twice a week
I will be running PCT but wanted to get your thoughts on my cycle and I wanted to do a diary log as its the first time I have ever tried tren.

Ok so I have been taking it now just over a week and I have been injecting into my quads so done around 5 -6 jabs,
Normally the first pin hurts and then my body gets used to it and it becomes fine, but jesus I have had the worst dead leg iv ever had for around 3-4 days which in that time I have jabbed the other leg and this one needs doing again and I can barley walk so I have today just injected into my glutes which I have never done before but I have tried it just to give my legs a chance to recover. Any advice on this would be very much appreciated ,is the glute the best place to inject for tren,test and a mast blend as I literally couldn't walk when I injected the quads

This is my first time on tren and the main things iv noticed so far (although this is still early days) is my libido is through the roof that is probably the best side so far and although its only been just over a week I can see a slight difference in my physique and the pump at the gym is amazing, The bad stuff is I have really crazy dreams, when I can actually get to sleep, I am really struggling to sleep at night, and iv noticed I'm flying off the handle at any little thing, but I don't think its the tren I think I'm being grumpy as its just lack of sleep. any help on this would be greatly appreciated too

Strength in the gym has gone up a little but like I said its only been 9 days. But so far I am handling the sides, no acne, no baldness, all manageable so far.
Sorry if I have gone a bit I just wanted to be as informative as possible, if there's anything you want to know or anything you don't agree with please let me know and I will do all I can to help or rectify some changes.

I will be updating this every 3-4 days

Thanks Guys
i would run the adex .5mg eod...

do you have anything on hand for possible progestrone related issues from the tren?

what are your goals for this cycle?? whats your diet gonna look like. what are the macros?
Ahh tren. I've had enough. It's been a crazy few months for me. I'm ready to tap out. I'm starting to notice psychological shit that I've heard others talk of but never experienced. That plus the ridiculous acne masterone is giving me and the sweats and BS from running test prop so high along with Tren cuz I went ahead and bought a mixture of Tren, test, mast. Not a happy camper at all so far.
Enjoy Tren while you're sane, it's amazing. My ass is switching to NPP.

3J, check in is tomorrow with you and I'll let you know more about my switch
Ok thank you I will look to up the Adex, what are the benefits of increasing this so much
Do you think the amount I am taking is far to low then?

My Goals for this cycle is to gain some lean mass and tighten up a bit.
My diet is pretty boring to be honest.
I have 50g of porridge oats in a morning around 7,30 am 6 egg whites and some frozen blueberry's and a scoop of vanilla Whey all blitzed together.
around 11 am I have some sweet potatoes and grilled chicken with some broccoli.
I hit the gym around 1pm
2.30 I have my post workout shake.
Around 4pm I have a handful of almonds and a tin of tuna.
6pm I have normally chicken and broccoli, or fish and some salad
Around 8pm I either have some protein yoghurt with some calorie free sauce or a whey casin shake with peanut butter.

I have pretty much the same every day, so like I say pretty boring.

Cardio I try to do 30 minutes 4 times a week, but have found it really hard since on the tren,

thanks for any feed back, I am still learning and appreciate any feedback , good or bad from you guys
Ok so a quick up date,
I am getting really bad inflammation after injecting this lean gains blend, is this normal. I have injected in both quads a few times now and I understand it hurts a bit when you start but I'm literally crippled, my leg swells up and it is pretty warm to touch, I thought I had a abscess but it goes after 3-4 days by this time I have to jab again and it starts all over again.
I generally jab in my quad as I am used to doing it there, but to give my quads a rest I tried the glute, and my ass did exactly the same. it swelled right up, warm to touch and hurts like hell, 4 days later its fine, is it the gear or is it suppose to do this.
I asked my coach and he said its the body rejecting the gear, it will be ok in a few weeks

I am noticing slight strength gains and the crazy dreams are dying down. at what point should I start seeing good results.
I feel pretty good apart from the damn pain in the injection site and the swelling. just want to get your views , thanks in advance