Diego Maradona is the greatest soccer player Ever

Uk Boy

I dont think we will see another player who comes close to Maradona for ability and skill. His touch was sublime and he scored spectacular goals.
Who do you think is the best ever?
don't u mean was?
What about Pele... i think he was better than maradona but surely maradona is the next best

Right now though i dunno, i don't think ronaldo is as good as he was. Ariel Ortega was hailed as the next maradona but no where as near as good.

Thierry Henri is doing pretty good at the gunners though, he's one of the best players in the world at the moment imo
No doubt Pele was a class act but if you look at the ability of both then you will see that no one comes close to the mastery of the ball that maradona posessed. Basically he could do things with a ball that have not been seen since his day. Pele was a key component in some great Brazil sides but in 1986 Maradona won the World cup single handedly (No pun intended). Then again he took a below par Argentina all the way to the final in the 1990 World cup.

Also Maradona took a less than average Italian club team Napoli to the Scudetto(Italian championship), a feat that was unimaginable in the toughest league of its time in the world.

Add to this the fact that he was not exactly living a healthy life style or fully focused on his playing career and then imagine how much more he could have achieved.
But then same could be said about Gazza. He never won anything with England, but he had the same effect on his teams until he took on Gary Charles in a Kick Boxing match and lost. 8O)
Muay Thai Guy said:
gazza is the uk maradonna
ok not quite as skilled but certainly had his fair share of emotion!

Couldn't agree more. Like mirror images of each other.

Both gifted players, but ruined it all because of their mentality and addiction.
I heard the other day that Gazza is now living in a 3 bed semi in Maidenhead. This is so sad as the man has earned millions from the game and one of the best English players of all time looks all washed up even before turning forty.
Another legendary player George Best seems hell bent on destroying himself. I mean the guys had a second chance with his Liver transplant and what does he do? Go on the piss.

P.S. I think Best is a very close second behind Maradona as my best players of all time as he also had exceptional skill and control and could go past players for fun.
Last I heard he nearly died in his BMW X5.

He totally wrote it off.

Don't think he's got all his marbles.
it's sad how great sportsmen and women get effected by their passion like that
I mean out of soccer, look at frank bruno :( poor dude

How many of us get pissed off when we miss a session at the gym or are injured etc
Muay Thai Guy said:
it's sad how great sportsmen and women get effected by their passion like that
I mean out of soccer, look at frank bruno :( poor dude

How many of us get pissed off when we miss a session at the gym or are injured etc

I never really looked at it like that.
i was hearing that they might start some sort of counceling for fighters going into retirement and what not because they get messed up in the head

It's a scary thought actually but if someone told me i cant fight anymore i'd be devastated... I'm not a nice person to be around if i have a bad injury. This time last year i screwed my wrist up before a fight and had a huge argument with my coach and made the descision to leave my camp and believe me i felt so bad it was horrible :(
Can imagine. Bruno's mental prowess wasn't his strong point in the first place, but I found it sad that he actually slept in his boxing ring.

Doctor told me at 15 I couldn't play football again for 2 years until my right knee got stronger. I wanted to kill the guy. Still I carried on playing. I'm suffering now though.
Uk Boy said:
I dont think we will see another player who comes close to Maradona for ability and skill. His touch was sublime and he scored spectacular goals.
Who do you think is the best ever?

Please god, tell me i'm not reading it!
Pele was waaaaay better than Maradona or another loser argentino!
Re: Re: Diego Maradona is the greatest soccer player Ever

negaun said:
Please god, tell me i'm not reading it!
Pele was waaaaay better than Maradona or another loser argentino!

Thats whats great about this board. Impartial unbiased views from well rounded fair minded individuals.


Re: Re: Re: Diego Maradona is the greatest soccer player Ever

Uk Boy said:
Thats whats great about this board. Impartial unbiased views from well rounded fair minded individuals.




Nice one