Dieselbolan worth it?


New member
I'm trying to find a good ph to add good dry mass for summer cycle. Is diesalbolan what they say it is. Or what other ph's are popular/ the best for lean mass. Looking for 10-15#. Not looking got reps to comment and push there product.
I'm trying to find a good ph to add good dry mass for summer cycle. Is diesalbolan what they say it is. Or what other ph's are popular/ the best for lean mass. Looking for 10-15#. Not looking got reps to comment and push there product.

for lean gains I'd go with i force's protodrol your need a few bottles though.
IM running diesel and test. Im in week three right now, up 16lbs. I love this stuff. Beastdrol might be better for dry gains though. But this stuff is awesome. Pm me if you have any other questions regarding my cycle. Or more details of how it has gone so far.
I believe that MrSupps is just waiting for the forma and helladrol to get back in stock and then they have a big sale planned.
i know of guys who bought from mr supps, that was referred to them by need2build

they were unhappy and wanted the refund, but were told the 2 companies had no affiliation with each other

its why iv never wanted to try the diesel, ill never do an sd clone, but that n formastanzol looked promising.....but iv heard stories