Diet critique bulking on cycle


New member
Hey guys !

I am about to start my first cycle of

1-10 weeks Test E[/B] - 500mg / week E4D
1-6 weeks Dbol - 30mg / ED

Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 20/20/20/20

age: 23 yo
weight: 95 - 96 kg
height: 195 cm
lifting experience: 5 years
accomplished goals: went from 140kg to 88, now im on 96, would like to bulk properly
i am endomorphic type of body

Now to my diet:

6 whole eggs
150g oats
fat free yoghurt

500g baked potatoes, skin, salt, baked in oven
100g chicken breast

500g baked potatoes, skin, salt, baked in oven
150g chicken breast

40g puffed rice
1 scoop of protein

post workout:
10g BCAA, Glutamine

post workout meal:
120g rice
165g lean beef (15% fat)
1 scoop of protein

4 whole eggs
5 rice cakes

250g cottage cheese lowfat (1%)

also i would throw in some veggies like asparagus, peas, tomatoes and some kind of salat (i hate broccoli)

400g carbs
302g protein
112g fat
around 3700 calories

will also supplement fish oil and milk thistle to support my cycle

Thanks for your feedback guys !
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ok ill ask the obvious quesiton.. why did you decide not to use fast acting protein and carbs post workout??

honestly i dont see any red flags with the diet.. just remember as your cycle progresses very slowly add calories
Hey guys !
I've just started my 2nd week of Test E and Dbol, everything is fine so far,but when im drawing my test out of an ampule, it is supposed to be exact 1ml, but when i draw it up to my syringe i always get like 0.8 - 0.9, am i wasting gear or is it completely ok ?
There will always be a little waste. There is always a little you cannot get out of the amp and a little left in the needle. It is no big deal.
Is potato every day and rice (brown) ok while on cycle ? I thought potato and rice (and brown bread) is not good for staying lean. Can I then include either one of them in a day ? Currently I am only eating veggies and meat with egg whites (two hole) with oats. For a snack, banana and normal yogurt and weigh protein.

I am 36y
19% body fat
lifting 3-4 times a week for a year now. always being doing some exercises.