Diet Critique


New member
Hi all,

I've been on this same diet for nearly a year now I think, and I have a feeling it's lacking in a few areas. I'm looking to bulk here... (and it's not working well!)

Meal 1:
3 scoops of whey (Muscle Juice, appx 41g protein)
1 tbsp natural peanut butter
1/2 cup oats

Meal 2:
100g turkey breast deli meat
2 slices whole wheat bread
cucumber, lettuce

Meal 3:
1 scoop of whey (14g protein appx)
1 protein bar (21'ish g)

Meal 4:
1 chicken breast
green veggies
brown rice

Meal 5:
either 1 chicken breast/1 salmon filet
green veggies
potatoes/sweet potato/brown rice

Meal 6:
same as meal 1, protein shake

Meal 7:
1 cup cottage cheese
sliced almonds
1 apple

I think meal 3 is lacking, and I'm probably missing a bunch of stuff. I don't eat red meat, and I've just started eating fish... Any pointers would be helpful...

if youre attempting to bulk, and its not going well, then you need to eat more. (if by "not going well" you mean that youre not gaining weight).

just glancing at it, your carbs are too low.

how much do you weigh? BF%?
How many calories do you eat daily, and what is your current weight?

Your diet really doesn't look that bad. Maybe a few more fats. Your problem is probably that you aren't eating enough. Especially if you aren't bulking.
your only eat real meat 2 times a day (deli meat is a no no, jsut forget it).

Eat 3 chicken breasts, and 2 other meats (fish, steak, etc). You will gain weight. Also it seems you need to up your carbs some more.

how's your training? Does it revolve around compound lifts?
outlawtas2 said:
your only eat real meat 2 times a day (deli meat is a no no, jsut forget it).

Eat 3 chicken breasts, and 2 other meats (fish, steak, etc). You will gain weight. Also it seems you need to up your carbs some more.

how's your training? Does it revolve around compound lifts?
Good call.....I didn't even notice the lack of real meat.
Miss Muscle said:
How many calories do you eat daily, and what is your current weight?

Your diet really doesn't look that bad. Maybe a few more fats. Your problem is probably that you aren't eating enough. Especially if you aren't bulking.

I've never actually done any calculations, I imagine it's not enough. My sleep schedule isn't the greatest either.

Anyways, I'm currently 5'11'ish, 180lbs. BF is around 15% last I checked (a couple of months)

How about replacing meal 3 with a whole wheat wrap with a cut up chicken breast?

What's the problem with the deli meat?

I'd like to add steak, but I don't eat any beef/pork. Just added salmon to my diet, I guess I'll have to eventually add more stuff. For now I'm kinda limited...
post workout shake, 3 scoops protein, 2 small packs of cream of RICE, no fat with this
post work out, if you ant find crem of rice use white rice in a blender pwo