Diet Gurus, who wants to help me prove a point :)


New member
Alright guys, i figured its about time to get a diet set down, i've come a long way on my own and now its time to take it to the next level.

Here is the challenge. I train naturally and will continue to train naturally. I want to prove that impressive gains can be made without the use of steroids, and be an example of that. Through this i want to show that one should realize there natural potential before considering juice or even using it at all to reach there desired results.

So i'm offering myself as a lab rat of sorts for whoever thinks they can have the biggest impact.

Stats: 5'9 178lbs, bf around 7-8% im naturally lean and its VERY hard for me to put on fat. If you need anymore input to help put together a diet let me know. pics are in the member section.

I will stay on this diet for the next 4 months or maybe longer, if i do a show it will be in june, so take that into consideration too. The one BIG obstacle is im allergic to eggs. I will post pics once a month or every other month to document progress. and give credit where credit is due.

Thanks in advance
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Im no guru myself, but whats your typical macro breakdown look like (pro/carb/fats) and maybe even give a usual days diet. If its workin, maybe it would be better to tweak where necessary rather than change things a lot.
Thats just it, i haven't ever broken it down to find out what it is. On a GOOD day i'll take 2-3 shakes at 25g protein each with some type of good protein source for a meal 3 times a day and oatmeal for breakfast. And usually take some EFA's in the form of flax and fish oil. like i said that would be a GOOD day, i've never worried much with diet.

But now i want to take it up a notch, maybe some guidelines and what to look for, what to eat, and some target goals would help
i fucken load my self with all kinds of shit, prety much like mixing chop meat with everything - rise , pasta, potatoes , then loading my fat belly with all the necessary shakes., dont even know if i want to trim down yet. Tell you what , I fucken love offseasons!