Diet help please!


New member
I weigh 200lbs, 5'10, 30yrs old. I am on a 12 week test 400/dbol cycle. Here is an idea of my current diet, i feel like it needs work

1-Oatmeal, sometimes cereal instead if im sick of oatmeal, banana if i have them, pick up an Ice Coffee with Skim, 1 Splenda on way to the gym. I sometimes have a bagel with low fat cream cheese or with dark chocolate peanut butter.

2- after gym, 1 scoop of whey, 8ounces of skim, scoop of peanut butter

3- four egg whites, 2 whole eggs, cooked in olive oil and a lot of times with spinach. 4 pierogies

4- non fat yogurt with 15-20 almonds, sometimes a fiber bar

5- dinner, varies, white rice with chicken and broc, fish, lean ground beef mixed with white rice, thin sliced pork chops

6- tuna with a little olive oil mayo and some crackers or a peanut butter and jelly sandwich

mostly drink water, skim milk and coke zero, supplements are whey protein, multi, fish oil.

once or twice a week, usually weekends ill have a pizza and some ice cream with the family, mcdonalds but i dont get fries, i usually do a grilled chicken sandwich or a couple burgers with a side salad or a fruit and yogurt parfait

I feel like I am not eating enough? should i stick another meal in there somewhere? any help or advice is appreciated!!
3J will give u a good in depth answer this this, but real quick, i dont see protein in your meal 1? also, im pretty sure u want to avoid fats post workout because they will slow the nutrient delivery.

ur last meal of the day should be something slower digesting, and typically no carbs.

cut out the coke zero.

wow u still eat mcdonalds...i dont even know many ppl that eat mcdonalds. well....i dont even know what to say. maybe its not that big of a deal once in a while?

and as far as not eating enough, asuming u are trying to bulk, if u can eat more, then eat more.
can i ask why cut out the Coke Zero? I have read on many sites that people drink multiple cans a day and manage to stay lean. I never have multiple cans, at the most I will have 1 can a day, some days I dont even do that. I would go crazy with just skim milk and water, any drink suggestions?

thank u for you input, i know my diet is not horrible but it is not the best either. i do not eat mcdonalds all the time, just on some cheat days and even then i stay away from the fries.

anyone else?
its hard to critique your diet without macros (pro/fat/cal/carb) and a bmr/tdee

if your looking for free diet advice from me you should read post one of my free diet advice thread and do everything that's asked... its a sticky in the diet section

if you wanna get hard core about your cycle and really optimize results you can become a client too..

but i would never shy any member of ology away from the free diet advice.. its there for your guys to take advantage of it