Diet Help


New member
Hi there i started a thread over in the anabolics section and was told to move it over here as i'd get more help,

i've visited a nutritionist and this is the diet she worked out for me i'd already gotten into the habit of weighing everything and she told me to stop as i making eating a militerized thing.

basically my goals are to get down to about 10 - 13 % BF while saving as much muscle as possible, i've got about six months before i immigrate to the US from the UK so i'l like to get down to my goal before then so i can maybe do a clean bulk and bring up some lagging bodyparts, 18%'s a bit to high for my liking.

this is a sample of what i ate today

Meal 1 - 45g Oats
100ml Soy Milk

Meal 2 - ( Pre-workout )
65g Wholewheat Pasta

Meal 3 - ( Post workout )
Whey protein shake
200 Ml Soy milk
1 Banana

Meal 4 - Wholewheat Pasta or Oats or Brown Rice
Eggs or meat or poultry

Meal 5 - ( Snack )

Meal 6 - Veggies

it all work out to about 2300 to 2500 cal a day dependant on what meat or protein i choose, she told me that previously i was eating too much protein and that i only 20% of my diet to be protein as that is all the human body can handle the rest it just pisses out, and this is why i was retaining weight because i had this ectra protein being stored as fat, anyway so i cut down the protein which i was a bit sceptical about but i did what i was told, then my next concern was pre and post workout nutrition , i always thought you needed a fast digesting protein before and after a workout aswell as a low glycemic carb before for sustained energy release and a high glycemic carb afterwards to replace glycogen.

anyway since i've been doing what she says ( 6 weeks ) i've dropped maybe 1% BF if i'm lucky which is fine but i've also dropped a bit of lean muscle off to and i mean to be dropping off weight this slowly and still losing muscle isn't really inspiring.

anyway i was just wondering if you could comment on the diet she'd layed out and maybe tell me where i'm going wrong

oh yeah stats are

20 y/o
220 lbs
18% bf
I think you might want to see another nutritionist. It doesn't sound like she really knows what she is talking about.

20% protein is way too low, imo. I eat around 45-50% protein. Plus, 2300 calories sounds really low for someone your size. I would be starving all day. You will lose weight eating that way, but your goal should be to lose bodyfat and maintain lbm.

A high protein, moderate fat, and moderate to low carb diet works best for me. You should be getting at least 300-350grams of protein a day. Then add in fats and carbs to make up the rest of your calories.
mikehunt said:
Hi there i started a thread over in the anabolics section and was told to move it over here as i'd get more help,

i've visited a nutritionist and this is the diet she worked out for me i'd already gotten into the habit of weighing everything and she told me to stop as i making eating a militerized thing.

basically my goals are to get down to about 10 - 13 % BF while saving as much muscle as possible, i've got about six months before i immigrate to the US from the UK so i'l like to get down to my goal before then so i can maybe do a clean bulk and bring up some lagging bodyparts, 18%'s a bit to high for my liking.

this is a sample of what i ate today

Meal 1 - 45g Oats
100ml Soy Milk

Meal 2 - ( Pre-workout )
65g Wholewheat Pasta

Meal 3 - ( Post workout )
Whey protein shake
200 Ml Soy milk
1 Banana

Meal 4 - Wholewheat Pasta or Oats or Brown Rice
Eggs or meat or poultry

Meal 5 - ( Snack )

Meal 6 - Veggies

it all work out to about 2300 to 2500 cal a day dependant on what meat or protein i choose, she told me that previously i was eating too much protein and that i only 20% of my diet to be protein as that is all the human body can handle the rest it just pisses out, and this is why i was retaining weight because i had this ectra protein being stored as fat, anyway so i cut down the protein which i was a bit sceptical about but i did what i was told, then my next concern was pre and post workout nutrition , i always thought you needed a fast digesting protein before and after a workout aswell as a low glycemic carb before for sustained energy release and a high glycemic carb afterwards to replace glycogen.

anyway since i've been doing what she says ( 6 weeks ) i've dropped maybe 1% BF if i'm lucky which is fine but i've also dropped a bit of lean muscle off to and i mean to be dropping off weight this slowly and still losing muscle isn't really inspiring.

anyway i was just wondering if you could comment on the diet she'd layed out and maybe tell me where i'm going wrong

oh yeah stats are

20 y/o
220 lbs
18% bf

Okay i like this statement

she told me that previously i was eating too much protein and that i only 20% of my diet to be protein as that is all the human body can handle the rest it just pisses out, and this is why i was retaining weight because i had this ectra protein being stored as fat

So Which is it - Does it piss it out or store it as Fat????

Your nutritionist is a Dumb ass. I would lose here immediately.

I would try and get your KCALS around 2,750 and split it up 350g Protein - 250g Carbohydrates and 45g Fat. Continue adding some cardio until you get to around 45 - 60 min / session. After that start dropping carbs and upping them


Day 1: 250g
Day 2: 175g
Day 3: 225g
Day 4: 150g
Day 5: 300g
Repeat: Ect

I'll tell you right now your Carbohydrate sources are awful....Immediately replace the Soy milk and Pasta.

And although you do not need to weigh your meals - it is a good idea to at first until you get a good idea the portion size.