diet...hows it look?


New member
hey guys...bout 2 start an intense lean body diet n exercise program n was hoping
i could get sum help, b it good or bad. im currently 6'0, 195lbs n holding around
21%bf. ill b taking Clen 2wks on, 2wks off with the EC stack (Primatene replacing
the Ephederine) in between for a 3mth cycle. the following is my diet outline:
diet is as follows:
1 scoop whey protein
5g glutamine
5g creatine
1 serving hemo-rage
(total= p-24 c-0 f-4 kcals-132)
2 scoops whey protein
5g glutamine
5g creatine
8oz organic apple juice
(total = p-48 c-38 f-4 kcals-380)
Meal 1: (1hr after post-workout meal)
6 egg whites 2 whole
½ cup Ezekiel almond cereal (dry)
½ grapefruit
(total = p-42 c-56 f-12 kcals-492)
Meal 2
1 can tuna/oil light
1 cup basmati brown rice
(total = p-56 c-44 f-17 kcals-559
Meal 3
8oz chicken or turkey
1tbsp organic coconut oil
1 cup asparagus
(total = p-54 c-5 f-16 kcals-407)
Meal 4
6oz steak
1 cup asparagus
(total = p-55 c-5 f-14 kcals- 366)
Meal 5
Plain greek yogurt
2tbsp natural peanut butter
1 scoop whey protein
(total = p-40 c-17 f-18 kcals-390)
Total caloric intake
Protein- 319g (kcals-1276)
Carbs- 165 (kcals-660)
Fat- 85 (kcals-765)
Total- 2701

well there u have it in a nutshell. as i mentioned above, any critique, good or bad, will b
more than greatly appreciated. thanx n i hope u guys can lend me a helping hand...