diet info, please help,please!!!


New member
First time on this site, awsome. looking for great advise to help me gain size, but keep as much fat off as possible. Heres my stats:

160-165, relatively tone, 9-11% bodyfat, i think;

Diet, 3-4 protein shakes a day
Try to limit as much fat as possible, usuall held to around 20-30 grams a day.
There is no carbs in my protein drinks, and usually eat two meals with carbs. No carbs at night. I usually eat about two or two and a half real food meals a day, and the rest of them protein shakes. Every three hours i eat some form of protein.

These are my stats, dont know if what im doing is right or wrong. please remember that my schedule is busy, and id rather drink a meal than eat one.

PLease help guys.!!
Well first of all WELCOME!

I understand a busy schedule can make it necessary to rely heavily on shakes from time to time but whole foods are much better for you imo.

Could you maybe post an example daily meal plan so I can get a better idea of exactly what you're eating?
No carbs at night is a good idea--rule of thumb---eat for what you are going to do not what you did. In other words get your biggest meal in before your workout not after. Try to eat more green vegetables, they add the complimentary fiber and vitamins to all of that protein. More whole foods, avoid fast food it is not food it is poison. 6 to 7 meals a day is optimal. Try to pre-make some meals so they can be quickly microwaved or assembled into a meal.
Take in carbs from vegetables there not going to kill ya there good for you. i wouldn't substitute protein shakes for real food, cause you don't want to get fat. Eat lean meat ex chicken,turkey,fish. Try to get in 4 meals a day at first i know its tough to just start jumping on a schedule eating 6-7 meals off the bat, but then work your way up. Rely on the protein shakes as a boost, don't substitute it for food.