Diet mishaps!


New member

Im a boxer who's been training last five months (3 soft months; 2 extreme hardcore months), and although cutting weight and keeping up the intensity during workout was effortless in my 20's, in contrast, being 34, what was effortless had never been so hard to acheive in my life. Having difficulty recovering; cutting weight; and gaining strength, I decided to seek out for a solution to my issues, and I came across this forum which had been real informitive, I started my strict diet a 1 wk ago with nothing but 3J's GF's tomato and veggie recipe (believe me, it's awesome, you should try it- coming from a guy who fucking hates anything w/chicken breast cuz its fucking dry!), I notices a visible change in my appearance (I couldnt believe it), but as I mentioned earlier, I'm putting in enormous amount of work and I thought the output was purely based on my input(extreme workout), but I had six strips of bacon (I thought it was well deserving with the rigorous training sessions I endured) for breakfast, and I've been bloated &puffy eversince. Has anyone experienced the same? Cutting weight had never been a problem for me since I'm naturally skinny and lose weight quick in the past, and it was hard to swallow that one bad nutrition intake can result in that manner. And I'm a male of asian descent, but having to grow up with black and salvadorian friends (I had a guardian growing up, so I spent more time with my friends's family than at home) I literally grew up eating a variety of fried steaks, chicken, beans, pork etc... that became my eating pattern, but my eating habbit never jeopardized my work out routine or my physical goal until now... For better or worse, I'm waiting for your invaluable inputs, so please drop me a line of your suggestion.


I found this forum in search of AAS to help my problem, but it was your posting that inspired me to check my diet first, of which is the reason I started my diet program, and believe it or not, I noticed my body leaning out, but yes!, it was yesterday after having bacon for breakfast, I started to get bloated. As I said, I wasn't sure if it was because of the bacon, but there's no other variables in this equation. Can this type of incident occur?
Well shit bacon has high sodium and can cause bloating but i dont think 6 strips of it would do something like that to you
Another question. Has u diet just been my recipe for chicken breast? What have u been eating and how much?
Love the recipe

is that all u eat???

ur starving urself..

Actually, three meal a day works for me... In the morning, I have one strong cup of coffee, a little later chicken breakfast, same for lunch, same for dinner. I have to mention that I followed your exact recipe except it's jacked up on veggies. I never had better chicken breast dish. Anyhow, I'll have walnuts, almonds, cashews from time to time, but not everyday. Had I felt the hunger, I would've eaten more. Im not starving myself, but I'm trying real hard not to eat junk, which we, undisciplined, people love. Man that bacon taste good!-- When was last time you had a bacon? or do you even know what that is? lol-
I sure do admire your dedication to healthy life style. Seriously, its envious to most, undisciplined, people. Believe me.. I know!