dietician advice conflicting with you guys

join and when you get the numbers plugged in, tell me the ratios and the cals.

what kind of potatoes are they? if they are anything but red potatoes, not the best choice... very high GI. red potatoes aren't fab either.. but are better than nothing. can you get brown rice?

what kind of fish is that? is it fried or breaded? if it is, can you get it steamed, baked, or seared? pick off the breading if it's breaded.

don't worry about the oats.. they're better than nothing and they're only slightly higher GI. just don't eat the sugary ones.
Mudge said:
I eat oatmeal, that keeps me moving just fine. I hit the can 2-3x a day, I could NOT hold it for a week!

Refined grains and such are not great for staying lean, old fashioned oats are better than quick oats for example, and pancakes are very refined so thats no bueno.

your posts are making alot of sense bro


also i agree with oatmeal... i never used to eat it as much as i do now and i do feel a difference in sustained energy levels
i did that fit day thing last month for like 2 days and it was slow slow slow, and took forever to load all the crap i eat all day...

the fish last night wasnt breaded, and i think it was baked... thats the usuall style of fish here, is baked. dont know what kind of fish. it was a small potato, i dont know what kind, dark brown color...
It's doubtful you're "absorbing" all of that protein, unless you're on a cycle of AAS. But dietary protein has other benefits besides direct nitrogen-retention/muscle-repair that are useful towards body composition. Protein has more thermic value than the other macronutrients which means that it increases/maintains your metabolic rate. That can be important for taking/keeping the fat off. Also, it can steady out the insulin response from meals containing carbs. That prevents hypoglycemic crashes keeping energy high and ultimately improving insulin sensitivity for when you can most benefit from spikes (like immediately post-workout). That also means benefit towards warding off the big D Diabetes.

There has been a HUGE shift towards lower carb/higher protein diets within the general population in the last few years with Zone, Atkins, and Protein Power becoming some of the most popular diets around, but I have not heard anything about sharp increases in the rate of kidney failures as you would expect to be the case if the dieticians had been right all these years. Not to mention that there was at least one truly independant study not associated with protein companies which showed protein needs/benefits for athletes far above the Recommended Daily Allowance that the government and popular dieticians have stood by. If you have healthy kidneys and are taking in ample amounts of fluids, there shouldn't be a problem.
I feel your pain bro:( , chow hall food sucks when your trying to eat right. The shit they serve is a mixture of lowest bidder bullshit(buying the foods that are cheapest) and the outdated food pyramid.

Bump on avoiding the pancakes. Very dense in high glycemic carbs, which would actually be allright post workout (and no other time when cutting) as insulin is a very anabolic hormone good for halting cortisol after a stressful lift.
yup, no more pancakes for me... these days its egg whites and oatmeal for breakfast, sommore egg whites and oatmeal a couple hours later... hopefully something healthy for lunch, veggies and meat usually, the same thing 2 hours later... and again 2 hours later... its pretty much a gamgle for lunch and dinner, today was mexican day... i got ground beef with lettuce, tomato, salsa, cheese (generic taco salad) refried beans, and some corn... i got a tuna sandwhich for 2 hours from now, and some lettuce, tomatos and salsa
Basically processed grains is similar to pre-digestion, the body breaks them down too quickly. Like 7 grain bread etc, sure its better than white bread, but it still has refined grains overall, tastes great but seriously my body is a bit senative to stuff like that and I notice food types effects on me pretty quickly.
i thought breaking them down quickly is good for you? like oatmeal and stuff is almost ready to enter your body, im sure there couldnt be to much to digest about it... it looks like its already been through someones digestive system
nabiller said:
also ive heard (sorry this is gross) that when you take a shit, if it floats your body is using all the nutrients you give it (bad) and if your shit sinks, there is excess (which means you are intaking enough)

Just another way to look at it:
Feces floating is good because the body has absorbed all of the nutrients in the small intestine, if it sinks - the body has not absorbed the nutrients and therefore there is an excessive ammount of protein or carbohydrate in the diet... which is a waste:(

what does everyone think?
Nabiller you are completely wrong concerning wanting to have sugars breakdown quickly. If attemptint to lose bodyfat you need low glycemic carbs which breakdown SLOWLY, the only time you really want something fast digesting is postworkout. Oatmeal is low GI (glycemic index) as opposed to say white bread which has been refined and broken down already, this causes an insulin spike and thus calorie and fat storage. I am trying to break this down as simple as possible for you bro, if you got more questions please ask.
im starting to understand... but is it always that low GI foods take longer to digest? if that is the case, i understand. if not, then im still stuck... i understand the insulin spike is bad and causes fat storage...
yes Low GI foods basicly take longer to digest and do not cause insulin spike, you are getting the hang of this now
are there any low GI foods that digest fast? like chinese food? cuz man when i eat that shit i feel hungry again in like an hour... lol..