Dieting and Ephedrine


New member
I used to be really fit and healthy until I got sciatica in my left leg about 2 years back. Since then I have put on 2 and a half stone, nearly 6 inches on my waist and more than doubled my body fat!
I'm getting back into fitness now (trying to do some form of fitness 5-6 times a week) but still getting problems with my leg every now and then and I think it has a lot to do with my weight.
I have tried so hard to eat salads but I just can't bring myself to like it. Does anyone have any ideas on what sort of foods I should be eating?

I was also looking into using Ephedrine but can't seem to find a seller in the Uk?
Would this be the best supplement for me to use?

do you guys sell Bronkaid or Primatene tabs otc?? Both are basically ephedrine packaged otc for asthmatics. both work great for fat loss.