Dieting too hard?


open minded conservAtive.
Right now I am lifting 5 or 6 times a week 2 parts per day and cardio only 3 times per week. My height/weight/bf is 5 11'', 218lbs. and a bodyfat of 12 percent. Eight weeks ago when I started cutting I weighed in at 235 and was'nt fat just smooth(could still wear size 33 waist). Even then I was eating relatively clean but when I hit my real diet I went very low carb about 4 weeks into it. Am I dieting too hard? Right now my diet looks like this.
10:30 am 1 cup oatmeal/six egg whites 3 yellows/ half cup of fatfree cottage cheese.
12:30 pm Chicken breast grilled or can of tuna/ 20 gram whey shake.
2:30 pm 45 gram whey shake. Low sugar/low carb total 10 carbs 2 sugars.
4:30 pm Chicken breast grilled or can of tuna/ 20 gram whey shake.
6:30 pm Chicken breast grilled, can of tuna or six egg whites.
7:30 pm 30 gram whey shake piece of wheat bread.
8:30 pm Weight training 1 hr 20 minutes.
10:00 pm 45 gram whey shake/ half an apple.
11:00 pm Grilled chicken breast/ half cup fatfree cottage cheese.
1:00 am Same as above.
2:00 am Sleep
Usually on day 3 and 5 I will have an extra bowl of oatmeal and piece of fruit right before my workout. On day 7 I will have a little junkfood. Sticking to this diet for me is'nt that hard however if I am eating too few carbs I would like to know.
By the way I am currently on a cycle. EQ/Tren/TestEnathate/Clen/Arimidex eod.
Diet looks decent for cutting yet maintaining muscle. Since I don't know jack about gear maybe someone else can chime in regarding that but I will address your diet and plan in general.

First of all, you need to push your entire schedule back about 3-4 hours. It looks to me like your too much of a night owl, getting to bed too late and waking up too late. I would toss in a pbj some where early in the day, and work out earlier in the day. Also, loose the late evening apple. That sugar sits in your body and is stored as fat. when cutting a good rule is no sugar/carbs after say 5 or 6 pm. If you still feel you need more carbs, throw in some plain spinach salad with some balsamic vinegar.

The schedule is the biggest issue I have with your routine. Maybe it works for you but if I don't rest enough when I'm lifting, I feel like all my hard work was a waste... Call me crazy but I can actually see the difference and feel the difference when I lift if I get adequate rest as opposed to little or poor quality rest.

to much protein powder bro... its a meal replacement not a meal reliant ya know.. my diet is pushing the limit of artificial protein consumption
7am4 whole eggs 3 cups oj
10am protein bar
1230pm pbj sandwich rye bread
330 pm protein bar
6pm 4 meatballs, 3cups milk
1030pm whey shake 22grams
Would'nt say I rely on it. I use it to add extra protien to my meals. I get about 200 grams of protien from meats alone. BTW I work as a freelance artist more specifically a book illustrator. I work best in the evening.