Different kinds of muscle due to different nutritions?


New member
What up guys, I was thinking about something...

I may be wrong on a lot of stuff so just correct me if I am, thanks.

Alright, I don't really know how to put it into words but let's just start with an example:

1- A guy who only eats beef ( with some carrots and stuff ) but the guy does not eat fish or and protein carrier nutrient.

2- A guy who only eats fish.............

3-A guy who only eats beans.............

4-A guy who eats of everything.

So now that we've got our three guys, I'd like to know this: since not all amino acids are present in an alimentation of only beef, or only fish, or only beans, and since the guy who only eats beef WILL STILL GROW MUSCLES, without getting some of the essential amino acids, would it be possible that the muscle of #4 would be of better quality than the muscle of #1-2-3? I'm having a hard time figuring that one out and it's been itching in my brain for a long time, just wanted to talk about it with you guys before starting my own research on the web. ;)

Also, I'm a veggie, is it bad to take most of my proteins intake in liquid forms ( protein shakes ). Since protein shakes take 30 minutes to be absorbed and proteins from meet take up to 36 hours, in my head it's obviou that protein shakes are easier on the liver... but could always be wrong... what do you guys think?