DIY testosterone testing.


New member
For research purposes wouldn't it be nice to be able to do your own testosterone tests. I was reading and thinking, maybe is it possible to use ammonium sulfate to precipitate "bioavalible testosterone" from plasma. This is how i figure it would go.

Draw 1cc of blood in an insulin syringe, a makeshift centrifuge could be used to spin the needle as is, the plasma would then be expelled into a centerfuge tube containing a solution of water and ammonium sulfate. Centrifuge filter tubes to catch the solid testosterone. This can then be weighed with a ug accurate scale made from an analog voltmeter, ammeter, vu meter, whatever. The weight will not be mush more then an eyelash... that is what will make it hard. If a solvent extraction was possible it would be easier, as filters are usually trouble.

I have always wanted to be able to take numerous samples to plot graphs, like the professionals do in their med school studies. It would take 10 tests to get any decent data, mail tests are likely too impractical and expensive for this. Particular areas of interest would be the "kick in time" at the beginning of a cycle, i would be interested in a daily log and chart of T levels with 5-10 points of data. Also response to HCG. I have always been keen on the possibility of developing short duration high dose cycling to negate the need for post cycle therapy (pct), maybe even with the aim of desensitizing the HPG axis to end up with more natural test. Of course, it would be like trying to find your way in the pitch black without any data. Then again i am not smarter then a doctor, so i don't know what i will figure out. At least justification for more experiments :D
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