Real Deal Testosterone Suspension.

Let me ask this tho. Will using this form of test make regular test less effective?? I want to still be able to benefit from my TRT dose
Look at the picture, test in water should have a clear liquid with a thick white band at the bottle. The test is the white part of it. You shake it like hell and it mixes up nicely. You have to shake it powerfully before each use to help break up the crystals and make it easier to pin.
Thnx Duc. Worried as I know the returns can diminish over time.

I haven't noticed any diminished returns but I've only run the test base in oil. I bought a shitload of it right before they switched to the water based stuff, and used a shitload of it. Probably time to give the new stuff a try.
I haven't noticed any diminished returns but I've only run the test base in oil. I bought a shitload of it right before they switched to the water based stuff, and used a shitload of it. Probably time to give the new stuff a try.

Honestly...I always thought oil was the way to go....especially because it was 100mg/mL and it was easier to pin.


Since trying the water based I have completely changed my mind on it. It was a pain to pin at first I'll admit. But once you get the technique down.....all you need is 50mg and you're ready for battle. It has much more of a kick than oil based. You can literally feel the wave of adrenaline when it hits. Much different feeling than oil. Plus it doesn't stink up the room for a week.
I haven't noticed any diminished returns but I've only run the test base in oil. I bought a shitload of it right before they switched to the water based stuff, and used a shitload of it. Probably time to give the new stuff a try.

Diminished maybe wasn't the best wording. When would it become less effective from maybe a tolerance would be built from continued use? Does that make sense? Obviously water based test isn't something I would want to use every pre workout correct? At the same time I believe one might build a tolerance to the stuff. Yes no? Basically I'd like to know how often I should use it as I will most likely thro some in my cart with my upcoming order. Thanks!
Honestly...I always thought oil was the way to go....especially because it was 100mg/mL and it was easier to pin.


Since trying the water based I have completely changed my mind on it. It was a pain to pin at first I'll admit. But once you get the technique down.....all you need is 50mg and you're ready for battle. It has much more of a kick than oil based. You can literally feel the wave of adrenaline when it hits. Much different feeling than oil. Plus it doesn't stink up the room for a week.
Lol. I gotta chuckle sorry, I only use PSL product and I've never noticed the stuff stinking like a couple of you guys are talking about. I get that it has a not so great smell if you sniff it up close but the whole room stinking????Damn!!! That's no fun I bet.
TNE/suspension is a whole different animal from the esterfied stuff we use to cycle with. It has a very rapid reaction (and decay), bringing the androgenic side effects we desire from testosterone at a greatly amplified burst.

Think of it as aggression and strength on tap; you feel incredible and have a focus that is really hard to achieve otherwise. I know quite a few guys that use TNE to set PR's or in untested meets. It's amazing stuff, but moderation (it also aromatizes like CRAZY due to the instant spike) should be exercised.

Ahh, MODERATION. There's my answer. I musta missed that earlier. So we r best off using it pre workout a couple maybe few times a week. I see. And I like the price tag on it too.
Lol. I gotta chuckle sorry, I only use PSL product and I've never noticed the stuff stinking like a couple of you guys are talking about. I get that it has a not so great smell if you sniff it up close but the whole room stinking????Damn!!! That's no fun I bet.

It's the guaiacol used in test base in oil. It reeks. What ever room your sharps container is in will stink until you toss it out.

Luckily for me my wife cannot smell it at all for some reason :) I lucked out there.
I have oil and water base but haven't ran the water yet... but I'll give it a pin later this week.

Base is great before your workout and you can really feel this take effect... there's no question
it's working and working very well!!!

It's funny my wife doesn't like the smell of the oil base, but I actually do... it reminds me of some
hippie incense... I bet it would smell really good if someone lit a joint in the same room. :smokepoke

Adding base is like firing up all cylinders pre-workout... love it! :frogjump:
It's the guaiacol used in test base in oil. It reeks. What ever room your sharps container is in will stink until you toss it out.

Luckily for me my wife cannot smell it at all for some reason :) I lucked out there.

Huh. Strange. Sharps container full & no smell. Should I be worried my stuff is bunk?? Lol. Blood tests show it is g2g plus it's PSL product;-) I leave a little air in my syringe with shot so there is virtually no juice left in syringe when done. Maybe t that would help Ya. Get all that good gear out!! No waste;-)
Huh. Strange. Sharps container full & no smell. Should I be worried my stuff is bunk?? Lol. Blood tests show it is g2g plus it's PSL product;-) I leave a little air in my syringe with shot so there is virtually no juice left in syringe when done. Maybe t that would help Ya. Get all that good gear out!! No waste;-)

I'm just talking about the test BASE (no ester) in oil. Unless you've been using that, you shouldn't expect to smell anything. The normal stuff like test e, c, tren, etc. don't have the guaiacol in them.

The stuff they are selling now is water based and shouldn't have any of that in it.

PS: Guaiacol is the compound that gives creosote the funky smell. So if you've ever come accross that stuff you will know what to expect.
Gotcha! I've pretty much stuck to same supplier same product since I've been in this "game". Test E & deca- oil based. One time I was in the middle of a shot and the needle popped off, oil everywhere on my leg and I smelled it then. Pretty rank.
I haven't noticed any diminished returns but I've only run the test base in oil. I bought a shitload of it right before they switched to the water based stuff, and used a shitload of it. Probably time to give the new stuff a try.

Was thinking about the same thing the other day just wanted more feedback,thanks!
Like anything, you can get used to feeling like superman, which means when you start feeling normal on your TRT, you may be unhappy with that feeling. In other words, when feeling like superman becomes your new normal, anything less does not feel good.

For this reason alone I refuse to use it more than twice a week - and then I will sometimes go a few weeks without using it. I want each use to feel amazing!