Dmz stacked with PCT?


New member
The salesman at the supplements store said I could stack Amine post cycle therapy (pct) Stage 5 with Demonize DMZ.The Amine post cycle therapy (pct) would be for anti estrogen.

Any thoughts?
The Amine post cycle therapy (pct) might just be used for on cycle support. If that is the case, you want to take your cycle support several hours after your PH/DS dose because the two will cancel each other out if taken together.

BTW, stop listening to the dickheads at the local supp store.......Come to this site or another for legitimate advice, not from some snotty nosed high school football player that makes commission off his sales.

EDIT: The amine post cycle therapy (pct) stage 5 is an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) with a test booster....this would be pretty much useless on cycle, it is best used for post cycle therapy (pct). You need some type of cycle support tor run throughout your cycle.
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The demonize i will be running has a liver guard and the reason he told me to grab the amine 5 is because it supposingly has an excellent anti estrogen.

Would my potential gains be stunted if I took the amine 5 as support?

And thank you for all the above answers!!
The demonize i will be running has a liver guard and the reason he told me to grab the amine 5 is because it supposingly has an excellent anti estrogen.

Would my potential gains be stunted if I took the amine 5 as support?

And thank you for all the above answers!!

The Amine is a post cycle therapy (pct) compound......A test booster along with an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). What you need is on cycle support to run thyroughout your cycle, and use the Amine during post cycle therapy (pct) along with a SERM.
Do you have any recommendations for on cycle support? As you can see, im a tad bit clueless. I just know ima need something to reduce my estrogen levels.

Thank you
Do you have any recommendations for on cycle support? As you can see, im a tad bit clueless. I just know ima need something to reduce my estrogen levels.

Thank you

Anabolic Innovations Life Support, Ironmaglabs Advanced Cycle Support.