Dnp cycle - dont come to say im going to die :)


New member
Hi all,

So after a lot of research i decided to give it a try.
Im 36, 72.5 kgs around 20 22% bf
I ll try 100mg for at least 4 weeks then maybe up to 200 for 10 days
Im very sensible to stuff ususaly, thats why just 100 mg
Im already on a diet -500 cal.
Well good luck to us all

Forgot to say i bought at russ any input?
And im taking, vit c, e, multi, omega
Not sure if i keep my creatine or drop it.
And tons of water planned
Ummmmm... You're going to die... Lol

I will never condone the use of dnp... And you're 22 percent bodyfat?

Stop being lazy trying to take the fast magic pill that is highly dangerous for your health... Diet and training... That's it!
You're carrying too much body fat for DNP. Will you die from such a small dose? Probably not. Did you waste money and time? Yup.

Fix your diet and watch the pounds come off. Oh, and yes - I have run DNP before, and it's not a magical pill either.

My .02c :)
Hi all,

So after a lot of research i decided to give it a try.
Im 36, 72.5 kgs around 20 22% bf
I ll try 100mg for at least 4 weeks then maybe up to 200 for 10 days
Im very sensible to stuff ususaly, thats why just 100 mg
Im already on a diet -500 cal.
Well good luck to us all


how tall are you to be 72.5kgs?
That's extremely light.
E.g. my weight going on stage at 5% bf light.

Must be quite short I'm hoping or your bf estimate is welllllll off
Yeah im light, im 1,7m
I dont want to get huge just more fit, i want to bulk a bit but i cant get to loose
These 5 kgs i want first, i keep bouncing from 70 to 73 from i dunno 6 months.
I did some exams i as thing about oxand, well i found out my test. is low, maybe that
killimg my methabolism?
Well for the dnp i cant notice yet
its your body, you only get one.. educate before you medicate..

i would flush that dnp down the toilet
well dont look like we have much audience hehe but here i go
the 100mg days wnet like nothing, so last night i started the 200mg, well
its hard to say if im feeling hot cause i always do and for my sadness its getting hotter here
im from brazil...
about the yellow fluids i didnt notice anythign besides my urine is veeeery yeallow
but it alwyas is when i take opti men, i ll skip it for a couple of days to check.
well thats it, we say here one feet in the coffin one feet on the soap lol, not sure if u get it in english.
and stop judging the why, the how is more important on this forum i think.
Speaking from experience...I was fine for the 2 weeks. I even bumped the dose to 500mg per day. After about the third week I got red rash on my gron area that migrated down my legs and up my torso. I stopped for about a week. Started back up and two days into it I woke up with swolden hands eyelids ears and ankles I itched terribly and passed out before I could finish taking a piss. I would suggest keeping a very close eye on yourself. I lost 12 pounds but felt lethargic and could have injured myself very bad. And also keep some benadryl on hand at all times. Just my experience with it.
today ll be my last day, i bumped to 200 as expected and the last 2 days to 300,
i felt ok lot hot but ok, lets wait a week to check the weight.
What's dnp ?

An industrial chemical often used in treating wood (antifungal properties) and as a byproduct of other manufacturing processes. It stands for dinitrophenol and was found to have amazing fat-loss properties due to how it interrupts the ATP chain in converting food - > energy. This basically turns the body into a living furnace as the broken chain causes the body to expend the calories as wasted heat, not storing it in cells for future use.

It is a very toxic chemical that unfortunately has an optimal dose very close to the dose that may be lethal due to hyperthermia. You essentially cook to death from the inside out.

I have experimented with it myself as I wanted to see just what all the fuss was about. Of course I read as much as possible and took the best precautions I thought were available. I did lose body fat, and I'm still alive, but in all honesty - I could have saved some money by just reevaluating my diet to achieve the same results. It makes you tired as hell and heat is UNBEARABLE (I live in a warm state to boot). I also noticed that it impacts breathing, which kills cardio, much like tren. Speaking of tren, don't mix this with tren either, or life will become VERY rough. Let's just say I had to require help getting out of the hip sled at my gym as I damn near passed out on my last set and couldn't breathe enough to be able to stand.

I'm not going to play daddy for the internet and scare folks away that want to take an EDUCATED risk, but I will say that there are better options out there, especially ones that won't kill/injure folks. It does work, but at a pretty heavy price.

My .02c :)
its such a stupid risk.. its so easy to cut weight with the proper diet and training program.. why would you do this to yourself??
its such a stupid risk.. its so easy to cut weight with the proper diet and training program.. why would you do this to yourself??

There are no stupid risks, only stupid people.

Although in this case I agree that dnp is unnecessary (the OP is 22%bf), there is no point pretending that diet etc will get you the same results because we all know it wont.

I dont think the scare tactics guys employ on this board in particular (its a poison bro, your going to die, etc) are doing the boards reputation any favours. In the age of the internet, any who does the appropriate level of research will know that these sort of statements show a complete lack of knowledge.

I'm not saying we should endorse dnp use, DPR has informed me about our stance on it, but we should at least stop spreading broscience style statements about it.

As halfwit said, its an EDUCATED risk.
There are no stupid risks, only stupid people.

Although in this case I agree that dnp is unnecessary (the OP is 22%bf), there is no point pretending that diet etc will get you the same results because we all know it wont.

I dont think the scare tactics guys employ on this board in particular (its a poison bro, your going to die, etc) are doing the boards reputation any favours. In the age of the internet, any who does the appropriate level of research will know that these sort of statements show a complete lack of knowledge.

I'm not saying we should endorse dnp use, DPR has informed me about our stance on it, but we should at least stop spreading broscience style statements about it.

As halfwit said, its an EDUCATED risk.

yea yea i know scare tactics are not the most sound approach to this issue..

but i disagree with your statement.. i think you can get to where you want to go without going through all that risk without dnp.. yes, its amazing at burning fat.. but weighing out the risk, esp with "stupid people" around makes me want to condemn it every chance i get..

i have lost a friend to dnp.. which is why i am so biased..

its a stupid risk.. it really is... esp when you do not know your source and the potency of the compound..

nothing will get me to change my mind about that.. seriously..

the OP is a perfect example of someone that shouldn't be using it.. dnp should be reserved for high level guys not everyday bodybuilders..
There are no stupid risks, only stupid people.

Although in this case I agree that dnp is unnecessary (the OP is 22%bf), there is no point pretending that diet etc will get you the same results because we all know it wont.

I dont think the scare tactics guys employ on this board in particular (its a poison bro, your going to die, etc) are doing the boards reputation any favours. In the age of the internet, any who does the appropriate level of research will know that these sort of statements show a complete lack of knowledge.

I'm not saying we should endorse dnp use, DPR has informed me about our stance on it, but we should at least stop spreading broscience style statements about it.

As halfwit said, its an EDUCATED risk.

yea yea i know scare tactics are not the most sound approach to this issue..

but i disagree with your statement.. i think you can get to where you want to go without going through all that risk without dnp.. yes, its amazing at burning fat.. but weighing out the risk, esp with "stupid people" around makes me want to condemn it every chance i get..

i have lost a friend to dnp.. which is why i am so biased..

its a stupid risk.. it really is... esp when you do not know your source and the potency of the compound..

nothing will get me to change my mind about that.. seriously..

the OP is a perfect example of someone that shouldn't be using it.. dnp should be reserved for high level guys not everyday bodybuilders..