DNP First Time User detailed


New member
I have decided to test DNP for the first time and list all that's been happening so far for your guys general knowledge.
I am only doing a short cycle to find out how my body responds to it

I bought a small sample from a fertilizer company that come in 50 mg pills.
They did stain my fingers and literally exploded when I set fire to one of them. Beyond that I do not know of any way outside of a testing laboratory to verify it is real DNP. (cost to test the pills is the prohibiting factor right now)

The following basic workout with no cardio will be consistent through out the cycle,

Pyramid 12, 10, 8, 6 & 4 reps, 4 exercise

Tues Chest
bench, fly's, decline & incline

Thursdays legs
hack squat,leg press, leg extension, single leg press

Saturday back
Lat pull downs, seated cable row, dead lift, pull ups

Food average is below, (basic three meals a day)

Standard Example

scrambled eggs with salsa, toast and coffee for breakfast

turkey, ham, chicken or veggie burger with fries maybe some turkey or bologna added in

Fish, turkey Breast, chicken breast, steak or some other meat my wife will grill along with vegetables and some type of carbs such as potatoes.

I drink nothing but water or zero calorie drinks.

First 3 days 200 mg a day and weighing in every morning at 247 lbs.
I notice no significant change of any kind nor do I feel any effect of heating, hunger or lethargy.

Day 4,5 & 6 400 mg a day and weighing in every morning at 247 lbs.
I notice no significant change of any kind nor do I feel any effect of heating, hunger or lethargy.

Day 7 600 mg a day weighed in at 244, heat and hunger have set in A LOT!!

Day 8 600 mg a day weighed in at 242 lbs with lethargy, heat and hunger ever present. I have taken to preferring ice cold showers and standing outside in 45 degree Fahrenheit with a 32 degree wind chill factor while wearing a short sleeve shirt and sweat pants in flip flops to feel normal.
The normal 70 degree house temperature my wife prefers is barely tolerable to me.
I have two more days worth of pills left.

Follow up posts will come.