DNR Training/Cycles etc...


New member
Here are my stats:
Age: 29
Weight: 210
Bodyfat: 15%

Last cycle:
Weeks 1-6: anavar 80mgs ed
Weeks 1-12: tren e 400mgs/ew
Weeks 1-15: test e 500mgs/ew

Great cycle, was able to lose about 5% bodyfat while gaining strength. I trained Doggcrapp style during it.

Now I'm training high volume, less weight and getting ready to start the following:

Weeks 1-8: t-bol 80mgs/ed
Weeks 9-16: anavar 80mgs/ed
Weeks 1-16: tren e 400mgs/ew
Weeks 1-20: test e 500mgs/ew

Anyways will post when I get started with new cycle and try to give progress updates :)