Do Any Of You Have Any Regrets Taking Steroids?

Miss Muscle

New member
Obviously many ladies get side gain, hair loss, acne, enlarged clitoris, voice change, etc.

Has anyone experienced any regrets with side effects or anything else?

Perhaps money wasted? No results?

I can see having regrets due to liking them way too much. I have an all or nothing personality and this will take self control to not go overboard. There is a danger if you like them too much and I am totally blown away by anavar. After 3 weeks I am hitting more weight than I have progressed in 8 plus years. This is a big danger because I really dont want to go back to my weak pathetic self. So self control!! Regrets yes liking them too much.
other then that no. but the acne was VERY bad. now its just kinda bad somtimes.
steroids ruined my baseball career. i got so thick and heavy. lost all technique and are heaviest bats still felt like sticks. I could no longer swing right and throwing the ball, lol it wasn't happening. but at least it always improves my sex life and helps me recover way quicker after heavy lifting.