do boyyyyyyyyy!


New member
ok im 27 yrs old
5'6 or 66" tall
i have taken orals before but never was able to keep gains
i want to take is wut im looking at (KEEP IN MINED I AM A BEGINNER)
(10 week)test c 1-2XWEEK
win (?)
dbol 3OMG
(post cycle therapy (pct), starting after week 10)novedex, clomied, or both(?).

(goal) get lean, burn fat, strangth, a lil mass

(Q.1)can i stack and do all at the same time then start post cycle therapy (pct) right after last pin?

(Q.2)thinking of just droping win and going with test c which hold no water weight and im tracking dbol does but wit fat burners like arson and hydrocycut and some cardio hopefully that will work out for me...wut do u think?

wut im looking for is an professtional opinion from some who nows wut the r talking about other wise dont waste my time and urs.....
imo since you havent ran injectables before run test eth or cyp at 400-600 mg a week for 10-12 weeks . start post cycle therapy (pct) 2 weeks after last test eth or cyp injections. run aromasin from the start at 6.25-12.5 mg a day. stop all cutting and fat burners once post cycle therapy (pct) starts until full recovery.
i trust wut u one more (?)...this may sound dumb but just want to be sure and clearify...
start aromesin from the beginning of the cycle?

my PCT will be clomid n novedex
2 weeks after last pin. it looks like this:
wut do u think about it?
i think its to much just for one i injectable.
i have been reserching for 2 weeks now. cant trust everthing u read on the net u feel me.
Yes aromasin start of cycle to end of post cycle therapy (pct). Keep dosage low you probably wont need much estro sides are very prominent with 500mg of test e