do serms kill libido, if so why do they do this?


New member
I've read many reports of serms killing libido, I thought they were supposed to increase testosterone?
I just googled serms killing libido and many guys on different report this. It has actually happened to me even when all labs were good.
I used 100mg clomid week 1
50mg clomid week 2-4
40mg nolva week 1-2
20mg nolva week 2-4

My testosterone is still low at 190 ng/dl though it had risen to 600's during pct.
I used 100mg clomid week 1
50mg clomid week 2-4
40mg nolva week 1-2
20mg nolva week 2-4

My testosterone is still low at 190 ng/dl though it had risen to 600's during pct.

So do you think the SERMs killed your libido or do you think perhaps that coming off cycle and having a failed restart killed your libido?
I did 3 12 week cycles of test enanthate only at 500mg. It happened 2 weeks after my last shot but pct made it worse. My bloods are

Total T 190 ng/dl (241 - 827)
Estradiol 49 pg/mL (0 - 52)
SHBG 55.6 ug/dL (12 - 48)
LH 4,26 mUI/mL (1,5 - 9,3)
FSH 3,58 mUI/mL (1,4 - 18,1)
I did 3 12 week cycles of test enanthate only at 500mg. It happened 2 weeks after my last shot but pct made it worse. My bloods are

Total T 190 ng/dl (241 - 827)
Estradiol 49 pg/mL (0 - 52)
SHBG 55.6 ug/dL (12 - 48)
LH 4,26 mUI/mL (1,5 - 9,3)
FSH 3,58 mUI/mL (1,4 - 18,1)

You are Hypogonadal. That is why your libido sucks. Run PCT again -- perhaps with hcg-mono in the beginning for a month or two. Or get on TRT. You body isn't making enough testosterone on its own.

Just wondering, did you run PCT between each of the cycles or were you on cycle for 36+ weeks?

How old are you?
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TT of 190 with an LH of 4.26?

Sounds like I too would like to know what those pre-cycle bloods looked like.
The cycles were back to back with pct inbetween. I never checked pre cycle bloods but yes no time off after pct. Basically a 36 week cycle. I'm 36.
Welcome to trt and lifelong pins bro. It's so important to get bloods done to even know if you're recovered. But I guess that brigde has been crossed, destroyed, and relandscaped. Now it's hard to tell there was ever a bridge even there in the first place
The cycles were back to back with pct inbetween. I never checked pre cycle bloods but yes no time off after pct. Basically a 36 week cycle. I'm 36.

Seems like a poor decision on your part. I hope you are able to recover, but you may have sentenced yourself to TRT for the rest of your life.
I'm going to do this pct:


Do you think I should use an AI?