I used 100mg clomid week 1
50mg clomid week 2-4
40mg nolva week 1-2
20mg nolva week 2-4
My testosterone is still low at 190 ng/dl though it had risen to 600's during pct.
I did 3 12 week cycles of test enanthate only at 500mg. It happened 2 weeks after my last shot but pct made it worse. My bloods are
Total T 190 ng/dl (241 - 827)
Estradiol 49 pg/mL (0 - 52)
SHBG 55.6 ug/dL (12 - 48)
LH 4,26 mUI/mL (1,5 - 9,3)
FSH 3,58 mUI/mL (1,4 - 18,1)
The cycles were back to back with pct inbetween. I never checked pre cycle bloods but yes no time off after pct. Basically a 36 week cycle. I'm 36.
Will 200mg test (since my shbg is so high) and 12.5mg aromasin fix it?
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