Do testosterone boosters work


New member
i'm 18 so to young for steroids or testosterone or so. So do tstosterone boosters work, if not is there nothing else i can take that works (supplement)
Those boosters don't do enough to benefit imo save your money stick to the basics we know work like protein and creatine eat right and train hard
Those boosters don't do enough to benefit imo save your money stick to the basics we know work like protein and creatine eat right and train hard
^This. Spend that money on food. I've tried 5 different test boosters in the past and saw very little benefit from them. At 18, your body is CRANKING out that testosterone - take advantage of it!
If you feel its an issue, seriously consider visiting an endo, personally I disagree with people as a lot of people are predisposed with hypogonadism to the second degree. Something I know that can be of benefit is ldopa Orbit Nutrition - Buy USP Labs PowerFULL For Cheap!
You could do 1 cap of erase every other day PES Erase - The Best Estrogen Blocker Supplement For A Low Cost

You could be just fine, but the only way to know for sure is by getting hormonal blood work. Unfortunately masculinity is dropping due to the environment and I will leave it at that.
They definitely work, but probably not for an 18 year old. Unless your levels are naturally low for some other health/medical reason. Mr supps new one is really good if you are in your mid 20's or early 30's.
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If you feel its an issue, seriously consider visiting an endo, personally I disagree with people as a lot of people are predisposed with hypogonadism to the second degree. Something I know that can be of benefit is ldopa Orbit Nutrition - Buy USP Labs PowerFULL For Cheap!
You could do 1 cap of erase every other day PES Erase - The Best Estrogen Blocker Supplement For A Low Cost

You could be just fine, but the only way to know for sure is by getting hormonal blood work. Unfortunately masculinity is dropping due to the environment and I will leave it at that.

This. At 18, your test should still be optimal. I'd get blood work if you really feel there's an issue. Apart from that, DAA is a popular test booster and relatively cheap.
I've wasted a lot of money and energy on Test boosters over the years. Tried many different brands. I never really had any noticeable benefits from any of them. There was one instance however that always comes to mind, that may have been placebo, but was incredibly weird. It was my second time trying Test Boosters. I was on a stack of Biotest's($$$) Alpha Male, Rez-V, and ZMA. Had a slightly elevated libido but nothing to hit home about; but one day, I felt unbelievable. I had an insane amount of energy and it was what I always imagined it would feel like to be jacked up on Testosterone. Later that day it was gone, and I never felt that way again. Spent a few years trying other Test Boosters trying to get that feeling again, never felt that way again. It's pretty disappointing to be teased like that actually. Waste of time and money.
when i was 18 i took a few test booster that i definately saw an effect with.. one was ZMA. another was a multi vitamin i like animal pack each pill split into 3 and took it 3x day... 3 was eating as much broccoli and spinach as i could stomach. 4 was tribulus which just made me horny. i also tried L-dopa, i hear DAA works well, have yet to try it tho
DAA imo is the only otc test booster that has ever shown me anything. I have tried the old tribulus bs and some other's that came out from some highly repuatable companies that sucked. I had a friend use Formula x by Athletix for a month and his strength and recovery went way up. But again it's from one person to another.
I've always gotten results from Test Boosters. Its more real than most of the fake crap out there. Its definitely better than CREATINE lol