Do you have to eat before workout? I start at 5:30am


New member
I have been reading the forums for a while, probably a year or two, because I would love to juice. I will probably juice one of these days when I feel I have gained a reasonable understanding, but for now I am natural.

I actually ran about a 4 week cycle when I was about 20 and it was Test sus and Dbol I believe. My trainer was a local supplier ($$$ YOUCH $$$) and so I figured I would try it. He did not explain anything or warn me about post cycle therapy (pct) NOTHING....after reading this site I have been blown away! (fortunately I couldn't afford a full cycle and was on for not even a month) I guess it is nice to know that I didn't suffer from any of the typical sides.

That is all beside the point......I am 5' 11" and 200 lbs I have no clue what my bodyfat is so I will guess it would be 17%. I have no clue of daily caloric intake either.

My goal is to Cut while retaining muscle or even building size if that is possible. I have been out of the Gym for 2 years and have been back in the gym for 1 week running all body parts MWF 3 sets of 20 light weight and 45 min cardio EFX fast pace on Tue & Thur. I would need to do Cardio in the evening on MWF as I am fairly certain that one thing I will be told is that I need cardio every day. Also please let me know if I should include Sat & Sun as well.

I used to be very dedicated to working out, for about 5 years. One thing that I do know about my body is that my genetics do not allow me to handle high reps very well. I throw up throughout my workouts when doing 20 reps and on my 10 rep leg days (I love legs and tend to go nuts on them). Also, I typically do not allow alot of rest between sets primarily for time restraints but also to add to the cardio aspect. I talked with a guy that was a trainer and seemed intelligent who said he thought my sickness during high reps could have something to do with ineffecient oxygen delivery. I thought perhaps NO2 might help with this and might give it a go if I stick with High reps. I consider High reps 12 or higher

I am a Network Administrator so I sit at my desk at home and type on a computer all day with no physical activity after workout, other than sex at night. (sometimes I LOVE burning calories!)

I try to Diet but I do not know enough about what foods contain what I should and should not eat. I would eat an all Tuna diet but I know to much of anything is not good. You start saying Maltodextrin-whatever (is that an apple a day?) and all that other stuff and I get lost. I get very very hungry throughout the day so that is my biggest downfall.

I can barely wake up but I force myself to wake up and work out at 5:30 as I have to be back at the house by 7:00 to log into my computer. Since I can barely make it to the Gym on time I cannot eat before I workout and all of the diet tips show meal times before and after workout.

I am curious how the fact that I can't eat before affects me, is it good to eat before because your Body needs that food for the workout etc. I would appreciate feedback and especially if someone could throw a sample diet plan out. Please be as specific as possible if you can since as I mentioned I tend to get lost in the terminology, though I will research the Terms and perhaps PM you if you use the terms and I cannot seem to find info to my understanding...

I am also always open to workout plans if they can be geared more towards weight loss as well as building.

I hope you guys are not to hard on a long winded Noob, I just wanted to make sure you knew everything about me so you could know what would best suit my needs.
I appreciate the feedback

you put it in the exact detail I was looking for I really appreciate your breakdown and everything

Does it matter if the Protein is a whey or what not?

I currently have Muscle Milk and ON Pro Complex
Muscle milk tastes good and i would save that for more of a meal replacement later in the day.

First in the morning you want the Pro Complex have a shake with a bowl of oatmeal and you are ready to go to the gym. I would def throw in a few cups of coffee if you drink it. If you dont, then green tea is good as well.

Right after the gym like Gimp said carbs and protein are good.

What i like to do is post workout have whey and dextrose then eat about 1 hour after that.

Good luck brotha
All the advice above is right on. I would add a 200mg pill of caffeine HCL before training that early, it'll wake you up and get you going as well as helping with focus and concentration that early in the morning.
I typically take 250mg of caffiene in the form of a No Dose + 25mg of Ephedrine HCL in the form of Bronch eze + 2ML of liquid Yohimbine + 1ML of liquid B complex.

I have a very high tolerance for stimulants. I actually used this stack for 2 years before I stopped working out