Do you only gain water weight and strength on your first cycle?


New member
I hear lots of stories where beginners only gain water weight and strength on the first cycle, but not actual muscle. Is this true?

I am talking about a basic Test only cycle for 10-12 weeks
Learn what exogenous test does. Yes if you don't control E2 you will gain much more water. If you are training right an eating right and the Testosterone increases your metabolism to synthesize protein into muscle why on earth do you think you won't build muscle mass? :dunno:

It's all about training , eating and rest. Do that right add some testosterone and what happens. It is the side effect of high Estrogen that increases the aromatization that cause the water.
The amount of actual muscle you build is mostly exaggerated by most. It takes years to build mature muscles that hang around after a cycle or blast. Water and increased glycogen store account for better than 50 % of most 'gains' people claim
YES thats true

first cycle the muscle will be pumped with water if you stop cycling everything will go away quickly.
i suggest; you do another cycle for the muscle to start build up on the new size that you got from the first cycle
I stayed very lean had abs and cutts been working out 8 years before first cycle and it was sust 250 mg a week and script winny 30 mg ed
Its probably possible. Dbol is the only compound that's blown me up like a water balloon. Most of the time it can be controlled by diet tho.