Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2






I don't normally like red heads, but GOT DAYUM!!!!!

Yeah, but it's in good proportions. She's an example of what I was talking about the other day; having the perfect package, tits/ass/legs/abs/face. Chicks like the Kardashian's just gross me out as they have nice faces, but HYOOOOOOGGE asses for their body types.

Christ I know it's time to get to the gym, but I'm sooooooo sore today. :( I decided to see how many sets of bench I could do for 10 reps at 225 yesterday. I stopped at 7 sets as I was having a harder and harder time keeping the bar off my face lol. Doesn't help that I then jumped into some heavy cross-overs and went to town either. :doh: It's my favorite day too - back day! Where's dat pwo... NEED TO GET PUMPED UP!

I thoroughly enjoy the Kardashian ass but they're so fake and stuck up the appeal is lost in personality. Uh oh, Halfwit is about to go to town on back day. Clear the gym floor ladies and gentlemen, we've got a warrior coming up to bat :p
When I was younger, I can't remember who said it but they said: "You don't want to fight with Avido, if you throw rocks, he throws boulders"

That was me except it was rumored if go after motherfuckers with bombs and shit! A few people learned the hard way not to fuck with me haha
Cellulite is a different animal all together.

Within reason that shit don't bother me. Like. Matt Williams says it means one of two things: "either you was small and got big or was big and got small. Either way we fuckin bitch either way we fucking"
Within reason that shit don't bother me. Like. Matt Williams says it means one of two things: "either you was small and got big or was big and got small. Either way we fuckin bitch either way we fucking"

KATT Williams motherfukkerautocorrect