I like turtles.
You know I do.guys if you see people who hopelessly need to be in the diet section make sure to send them there.. you guys are some of the top contributors on this site.. so let them know about me.. my services.. and also my free diet advice thread

Yeah, you definitely want to at least see what your baseline is. It's all too easy to be in PCT and want to find that way out by jumping back on because you can justify it.Money is a huge issue and my insurance sucks Cap cocks. I'm still on the fence about what to tell my Doc. I think I might ask him about testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and see how he reacts and go from there. I'd rather he know, but I also really doubt he'll hand me a script and tell me to pin myself.
I think I'll do labcorp in a month. Very tempted to just start and wait for a 6 week blood draw and adjust from there, but I know starting without knowing baseline numbers is well, something Panda would do.
I hate you. I have to print out coupons from online to get mine for 2-3x that cost. Fucking Aetna sucks balls.If it's written in crayon like mine is you're g2g.
I actually have to go pick up my cyp script after work today or tomorrow.
$15 is hard to beat.
Sometimes I wonder.
I never got to experience what the alternative was![]()
Consider yourself fortunate. Unless you were being facetious in an older testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) thread, I know when you started, which must have really sucked - but having been hypogonadal for at least a decade, I can tell you that it is a living hell. You're tired all the time, you hate everything, you snap for no reason at all, have crying fits for not reason, have trouble remembering the smallest things sometimes, anxiety attacks, restless leg syndrome, and that GOD DAMN BELLYFAT that just wouldn't go away. I'm STILL bringing that body fat down that I would literally cry in a fit of rage about while in the gym because I just couldn't put on ANY muscle mass, yet kept watching it atrophy while my gut kept getting bigger and bigger.
I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy. Granted, I was very low with elevated estrogen thanks to how the metabolism ties to testosterone and the fact that aromatase thrives in adipose tissue. Docs words were, "Wow, you have the same hormone profile as a 14 year old girl during her menses." Yep. I have a unique perspective on women, let's just say that.