Waiting to die.
Did you really meet your wife at a drive-in movie theater??
It should just be legal. So should some other things that aren't though. It all boils down to MONEY. People make money off things being the way they are, and then pay people (lobbyists) to insure that things are kept that way. What I don't understand, is it seems like there's MORE money to be made in making these things legal. Like think about how many people don't use AAS purely because it's illegal. Or people that don't want to pin because of the negative stigma attached. If it were legal, shit, everyone would be doing it. Baseball players wouldn't have their names dragged through the mud, all this fake natty aesthetics bullshit would be put to rest, big Ron could finally come out and admit he used the juice, etc. I just don't see who's truly benefiting off having AAS use be "privatized" essentially.
The problem is what AAS actually does for you if you use it correctly.
It improves quality of life.
There is no money to be made by making it legal.
What they make on pins and oils they lose 100X over by people being healthy/fit enough to avoid hospitals and pharmacological solutions.
It's sad but we're cattle that are being poisoned, on purpose, to benefit a select few.