Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Did you really meet your wife at a drive-in movie theater??

It should just be legal. So should some other things that aren't though. It all boils down to MONEY. People make money off things being the way they are, and then pay people (lobbyists) to insure that things are kept that way. What I don't understand, is it seems like there's MORE money to be made in making these things legal. Like think about how many people don't use AAS purely because it's illegal. Or people that don't want to pin because of the negative stigma attached. If it were legal, shit, everyone would be doing it. Baseball players wouldn't have their names dragged through the mud, all this fake natty aesthetics bullshit would be put to rest, big Ron could finally come out and admit he used the juice, etc. I just don't see who's truly benefiting off having AAS use be "privatized" essentially.

The problem is what AAS actually does for you if you use it correctly.
It improves quality of life.
There is no money to be made by making it legal.
What they make on pins and oils they lose 100X over by people being healthy/fit enough to avoid hospitals and pharmacological solutions.

It's sad but we're cattle that are being poisoned, on purpose, to benefit a select few.
Did you really meet your wife at a drive-in movie theater??

It should just be legal. So should some other things that aren't though. It all boils down to MONEY. People make money off things being the way they are, and then pay people (lobbyists) to insure that things are kept that way. What I don't understand, is it seems like there's MORE money to be made in making these things legal. Like think about how many people don't use AAS purely because it's illegal. Or people that don't want to pin because of the negative stigma attached. If it were legal, shit, everyone would be doing it. Baseball players wouldn't have their names dragged through the mud, all this fake natty aesthetics bullshit would be put to rest, big Ron could finally come out and admit he used the juice, etc. I just don't see who's truly benefiting off having AAS use be "privatized" essentially.
Not only that, but it was a blind date. ;)

I totally agree. Money is a huge motivating factor in our country, and if you don't have it - sucks to be you. It's no secret why tobacco and alcohol are legal yet other drugs aren't. There isn't a lobbying firm for AAS or even marijuana until recently (HAH). It's rather insulting how they expect us to believe it's the Nike's that the athletes wear or the vitamins or the wheaties they eat that makes them what they are. But we could rant about this forever haha.
I've almost filled up a water bottle with dip. Not dip spit, but actual dip. I keep pouring out the spit but leaving the dip in there. Never done this before... I feel like I'm achieving something hahaha.
Wow. What sucks about getting labs pulled for the "easy" way to see if your pituitary is working or not isn't an option as you're completely shut down by now, so seeing LH/FSH is a foregone conclusion unless you stopped taking the hormones for a month or two. Even then, you've been on so long, I doubt there would be any generated.

I do produce FSH/LH, more so than some of the bloods I've seen posted here but still produce 0 test.
FSH 2.8 with a ref range of .6-11
LH .7 with a ref range of 2.7-7.7

So not completely shut down there but definitely on the low side.

Is he one of those that even listens or just goes, "Okay you look fine. See you in six months." If he listens at all, you can start a dialogue about how a lack of an LH signal ceases production of other hormones such as DHEA/pregnenolone/progesterone and can even increase cortisol as a stress response to a lack of DHEA. Of course most docs eyes would glaze over hearing that and remind you who the guy in the room with 14 years of education is.
Were you in the room with me?
I'm more confident in this endo than any of the others I've ever used.
His problem is that he's just too damned busy. He operates out of the biggest hospital in the state.
I do have to say though that in the 2 visits I've had with him, he's worked with me more than any other.
Would supplementing DHEA have any benefit? I've used a bottle of it in the past but didn't notice anything.
The problem is what AAS actually does for you if you use it correctly.
It improves quality of life.
There is no money to be made by making it legal.
What they make on pins and oils they lose 100X over by people being healthy/fit enough to avoid hospitals and pharmacological solutions.

It's sad but we're cattle that are being poisoned, on purpose, to benefit a select few.

That's all too true. Incredibly sad, but true. I guess when you look at the bigger scheme of things, AAS can help with a lot of other "illnesses" that other meds are prescribed for. Which of course is dipping into some billionaire's pocket, god forbid.
That's all too true. Incredibly sad, but true. I guess when you look at the bigger scheme of things, AAS can help with a lot of other "illnesses" that other meds are prescribed for. Which of course is dipping into some billionaire's pocket, god forbid.

Just look at how much money they make off of prescribing treatment for generic pain caused by inactivity.

You probably don't see them as much over in Cali where people are beautiful but around here, we have some legitimate TROLLS.
They walk all hunched over hobbling and just complaining about how much pain they're in.
I bet if the majority of them spent some time in their life actually MOVING, they wouldn't be experiencing pain.

But what do they do instead?
Go to a doctor for the quick fix who is more than happy to prescribe the drug of the week that carries with it it's own side effects.

Ever notice how people's health really starts to go downhill the more prescription drugs they're using?
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Not only that, but it was a blind date. ;)

I totally agree. Money is a huge motivating factor in our country, and if you don't have it - sucks to be you. It's no secret why tobacco and alcohol are legal yet other drugs aren't. There isn't a lobbying firm for AAS or even marijuana until recently (HAH). It's rather insulting how they expect us to believe it's the Nike's that the athletes wear or the vitamins or the wheaties they eat that makes them what they are. But we could rant about this forever haha.

That's crazy!! And 18 years you said you've been married right? Was it a blind date friends set you up on, or like an internet blind date?

Troof! And it's so goddamn hard to get ahead to where you're considered someone that "has money". That's trying to LEGALIZE it though. I'm talking about lobbyists working to keep things illegal. I think one day marijuana will be legal. There's too many studies proving its benefits coming out.
I mean shop for gear. I wonder what luke and panda's wedding registry will look like?

Well to be fair, I was drinking alcohol at 14 and couldn't legally purchase it either. Tough call ethically though as AAS can cause permanent damage to pubescent folks. Then again, that's the point of age restrictions - let their parents worry about if their kids are doing something they shouldn't do. No need to penalize me because Little Johnny's Dad doesn't act as a parent and lets his kids run amok. :p
I can't wait until the Olympia has been over for a couple of months.
I've never seen so many guys claiming to be straight get so excited to see other guys in pink thongs.
Just look at how much money they make off of prescribing treatment for generic pain caused by inactivity.

You probably don't see them as much over in Cali where people are beautiful but around here, we have some legitimate TROLLS.
They walk all hunched over hobbling and just complaining about how much pain they're in.
I bet if the majority of them spent some time in their life actually MOVING, they wouldn't be experiencing pain.

But what do they do instead?
Go to a doctor for the quick fix who is more than happy to prescribe the drug of the week that carries with it it's own side effects.

Ever notice how people's health really starts to go downhill the more prescription drugs they're using?

Not everyone here is beautiful my friend. I live in one of the fattest cities in the world. I'm talkin people so fat they need to be in wheelchairs. Not because they have anything else wrong, JUST because they are fat. It may be a different story down in SoCal, but once you get up passed LA it's a whoooole different world.
I've almost filled up a water bottle with dip. Not dip spit, but actual dip. I keep pouring out the spit but leaving the dip in there. Never done this before... I feel like I'm achieving something hahaha.
Been there, done that. It starts to smell pretty bad after awhile haha.
I do produce FSH/LH, more so than some of the bloods I've seen posted here but still produce 0 test.
FSH 2.8 with a ref range of .6-11
LH .7 with a ref range of 2.7-7.7

So not completely shut down there but definitely on the low side.

Were you in the room with me?
I'm more confident in this endo than any of the others I've ever used.
His problem is that he's just too damned busy. He operates out of the biggest hospital in the state.
I do have to say though that in the 2 visits I've had with him, he's worked with me more than any other.
Would supplementing DHEA have any benefit? I've used a bottle of it in the past but didn't notice anything.
WTF. You should be COMPLETELY shut down with an LH/FSH of .1 or less... Your negative feedback loop has something going on there. DHEA should help with the anxiety and possibly lethargy. I notice a difference, but I can't help but to wonder if HCG is what I'm missing.

That's crazy!! And 18 years you said you've been married right? Was it a blind date friends set you up on, or like an internet blind date?

Troof! And it's so goddamn hard to get ahead to where you're considered someone that "has money". That's trying to LEGALIZE it though. I'm talking about lobbyists working to keep things illegal. I think one day marijuana will be legal. There's too many studies proving its benefits coming out.
My friend knew her friend and they wanted to have someone go along on their first date. So they talked us into meeting each other. That was 18 years, 4 months and 10 days ago. ;) Our friends ended up not making it, but we somehow did. :eek:

Yep, once enough people want it legal, it will be. Sadly, AAS is the bogeyman, so that's not going to happen any time soon.
I mean across the board, federally. Grow it, sell it, trade it, smoke it, etc.

You must be new to this country, the federal gov't doesn't make things legal.
It's their business to make sure that every man, woman and child will be considered a criminal in the right light.