Dude it's like $300 to take both of them. The state test is a little easier, I ALMOST passed the last time I took it. Missed by like two questions. The federal test is insanely hard though. It's like 200 questions of bullshit trickery. Lot's of A, B, and C
could in theory all be correct, but which is the
best answer. I'm gonna study my damn ass off this time for sure. And thanks
Hahahaha well that's 100% up to you big boy
Interesting... I've never had any serious issues, so I wouldn't really know lol. Definitely drank too much and held my pee for WAY too long before though.
You'd think it would since it's conversion is to 1-test but on the IML site they claim it does not convert to estrogen. Everyone claims 1-andro to be the safest and mildest PH out there because of the lack of sides and all. I definitely didn't take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and didn't have any gyno sides, notable bloating, additional acne, etc. I actually broke out really bad about a week into PCT.