Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Just the tip? :D

I hear violent masturbation is a form of HIIT. Confirm/Deny?

Isn't Cap like 24?

That's a pretty damn good description. Frank, it's when your muscles that are engorged with blood can't drain that blood, so they stay full and hard for much longer than you want them to. It's a constant nagging feeling to crack your back, but it's impossible to do so, so you writhe in agony all night long. Ab pumps are the worst, followed by back and then calf/shin pumps. Nothing like doing tricep pushdowns and your abs staying rock hard for hours - then it becomes a full on cramp, where you feel like your abdomen just caught on fire and THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. LOL. (Taurine is indeed your best friend.)

Ana Anavar (var) /Dbol/Tren/Adrol have all given me pumps, but Anavar (var) being the worst for some reason.

Is the tip "little"? Hahaha

Confirmed. I used to have one of those Nike FuelBands (til i beat it to shit). Put it on my right arm and I think I "ran" a couple miles from beating it one time.

I literally just turned 22 on Monday LOL.

That's exactly what it feels like. I always thought it actually had something to do with the toxicity levels in your liver and it was actually swelling haha. Good to know that's not the case.
22 with two PH cycles under his belt? The damage is probably done to be honest. Especially if any of the PH aromatized.

SDMZ, Halo ex, and 1-andro are supposedly non aromatizing. My nippies is fine :wiggle:
I will be getting pre-cycle bloods done if and when I decide to do a real cycle.
Talking about caps age made me think. When you get your blood tests done the range is 300 -1500 what is the average test for a 14-20 year old? I know everyone is different, and I know I had a lot more than some kids when I was in high school but how much do teens have

Interested as well. I remember a kid on my 8th grade football team with a straight up full beard. Kid was like 6'3 240. BEAST. I got ran over in practice a lot lol. I'd be willing to bet he got held back a couple years though.
Talking about caps age made me think. When you get your blood tests done the range is 300 -1500 what is the average test for a 14-20 year old? I know everyone is different, and I know I had a lot more than some kids when I was in high school but how much do teens have
I believe they break it down like 13-17/18-25/26-35/36-45/46-55/56-65/65+ or some shit. I think 650-750 was the average "healthy" range for teen males, with spikes over 1100ng/dL. I'll have to look for the old age breakdown spreadsheet I used to have printed off from Labcorp.

That's fucking ridiculous! Don't feel too bad, I'm going to have "homework" soon too... for my job, which is even worse lol. Gotta pass those damn state and fed tests man.
Ewwww. State exams suck worse, because they cost more money if you do poorly haha. Best of luck on them though! :D

Is the tip "little"? Hahaha
Welllllllllllllll, I'd say that all depends on the relative location on where it's being put. :D
Confirmed. I used to have one of those Nike FuelBands (til i beat it to shit). Put it on my right arm and I think I "ran" a couple miles from beating it one time.

I literally just turned 22 on Monday LOL.

That's exactly what it feels like. I always thought it actually had something to do with the toxicity levels in your liver and it was actually swelling haha. Good to know that's not the case.
Ohh, I have experienced liver stuff too. It is similar, but your piss is almost brown and your poop turns a grey-white color when your liver is really mad at you. The pain from liver distress tends to be in the front too, right under your ribcage. ;) Oddly, the worst I ever had that was from... da da daaa dummm PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE antibiotics and anti-inflammatories! It's funny how AAS is the boogeyman, but I've had way more problems from script crap than anything. :p

SDMZ, Halo ex, and 1-andro are supposedly non aromatizing. My nippies is fine :wiggle:
I will be getting pre-cycle bloods done if and when I decide to do a real cycle.

I thought 1-andro did aromatize? Then again, I know next to nothing about PH/DS. :spin:
Ewwww. State exams suck worse, because they cost more money if you do poorly haha. Best of luck on them though! :D

Welllllllllllllll, I'd say that all depends on the relative location on where it's being put. :D

Ohh, I have experienced liver stuff too. It is similar, but your piss is almost brown and your poop turns a grey-white color when your liver is really mad at you. The pain from liver distress tends to be in the front too, right under your ribcage. ;) Oddly, the worst I ever had that was from... da da daaa dummm PHARMACEUTICAL GRADE antibiotics and anti-inflammatories! It's funny how AAS is the boogeyman, but I've had way more problems from script crap than anything. :p

I thought 1-andro did aromatize? Then again, I know next to nothing about PH/DS. :spin:

Dude it's like $300 to take both of them. The state test is a little easier, I ALMOST passed the last time I took it. Missed by like two questions. The federal test is insanely hard though. It's like 200 questions of bullshit trickery. Lot's of A, B, and C could in theory all be correct, but which is the best answer. I'm gonna study my damn ass off this time for sure. And thanks :)

Hahahaha well that's 100% up to you big boy :wiggle:

Interesting... I've never had any serious issues, so I wouldn't really know lol. Definitely drank too much and held my pee for WAY too long before though.

You'd think it would since it's conversion is to 1-test but on the IML site they claim it does not convert to estrogen. Everyone claims 1-andro to be the safest and mildest PH out there because of the lack of sides and all. I definitely didn't take an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and didn't have any gyno sides, notable bloating, additional acne, etc. I actually broke out really bad about a week into PCT.

Long ass fucking day bro...started work at 5am left at 6:15. Came home cooked, tried to relax for a bit, and met up with the cousin lol. Time for bed soon!!