Do you think one of them is using gear pt. 2

Ok boys, girls, and Cap time to head to Jersey City for the night and NYC tomorrow. If I get shot in a drive by gang shootout, I love you all (except Rumpy :p). Time for some medicine, tunes, and gran turismo style driving :D
I know a girl in Jersey city. Say hi if you see her. Her name's Wanda, she's Puerto Rican so you can't miss her. And say hey to Hoboken for me.
Oh, and have fun. And yes, I know how you feel, "love" just isn't strong enough to express my feeling either.
What are you taking for your liver? Instead of running tren year round why not do like Austin and run a small dose of deca, less liver toxic and your joints will than you for it. I should get ready and start planning my next one, time off will be up soon!

3J and. Tren sure is a powerful combo. You'll be going through withdrawals when you come off hahaha. It must be tough, I get a little angst to run another cycle but I'm generally good at controlling my urges. I know you and while it'll but you, you have the mental fortitude to wait to run another one.

Invite him over, I've seen some of his posts and agree that he might make a good fit in here hahaha
I'm taking 2g of NAC along with 2x the dose of Liv.52. I'll find out on Tuesday (hopefully) if that's enough. ;) I don't know how to explain it, but it is kind of like an itch as I have this goal I'm desperately trying to reach. I've always been a gym rat and always bounced up and down like a yo-yo with my weight, but never (until TRT) had the benefits of AAS. I'm planning on getting to ~300lbs and 9% body fat and staying there FOREVER; or at least within 3-4% of that haha.

It is just a royal pain in the ass still coming back from a decade of low hormones and neglect, yet I see and feel results so much faster with the aid of tren and such. Of course the diet is helping tremendously, but there's that psychological component of being on gear that feels like a warm insurance policy knowing gains will come as long as everything else is in check. If that makes sense. :spin:

At least I finally made it to the gym today.
WOOT! Now just do that 4 more times a week and you'll be a stud. ;)

You can do tequila body shots off of me. I'm kinda fat and have a deep belly button. You'll get wasted!

I don't know why, but I went into a fit of laughter reading this. Too funny! :D
I bought tren A the other day. I've never run tren and don't know what to do with it. What was I thinking. And anavar too, same story.
I bought tren A the other day. I've never run tren and don't know what to do with it. What was I thinking. And anavar too, same story.
Save it for when you're able to commit to the gym on a regular basis. :p I like you, but I'd hate to see you hop on the king of AAS only to hurt yourself. I'll totally help you set it up, but if you can't nail down a consistent training schedule (I know how hard it can be, believe you me) you're only wasting it to be brutally honest.

No disrespect intended at all by the way. Just watching out for my 'ology brothers. <3
Oh no half, no offence taken. I bought it to help a guy out, I'll probably run it in the spring, but I'm not sure. My training is usually pretty good, I'm just suffering from post cycle test crash, and my daughters been sick and I've just been feeling run down, so it's been hit and miss lately. On cycle I'm all business. As you may know, I love me some nandrolone, do they play well together? I mean they're both 19-nor's so are the combined sides bad? What ever I do, it will probably be a low dose of tren just to mitigate the tren sides. Maybe I'll hate it and send it to you for your birthday.
I think I need to go to the store and get a can too. All these cans on my desk are empty. I also have to poop. I should probably eat again too.